Chapter 36

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After going to the store, Amiyah went to Lamar's house to ask him to keep Kaden for the night.

"Why do you always have to keep secrets?", Lamar asked.

"I'm not keeping secrets. I just feel like whatever I have to do is my business", Amiyah said.

"See Amiyah you don't get it. What you do is my business because if something happens to you, guess what? That's not just on you, that's on me. I gotta live with that, Kaden has to live with that", Lamar said.

"...who said anything about something happening to me?", Amiyah asked.

"Nobody... I just worry", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked down.

"I worry about you all of the time and the night that dude came into your house only made my worries worst", he said.

"Lamar, you don't have to worry about me okay?", she said. "I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine and it won't happen again"

"... I just know the type of people that are out there. Hell, I was one of them", he said. " say I need to go back to therapy because of the cameras in your house but... it's not because of the reasons before. I just wanna know that you're safe. I don't really look at them"

"...we can discuss this later", Amiyah said.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you again", he said. "I just want to protect you, like you protected me. If I loose you, I loose a big part of me. You're all I got except for my brother and just know me better than any of don't judge me"

Amiyah touched his cheek. "We'll talk later", she said.

Lamar touched her cheek and caressed it.

Amiyah was kind of surprised. He normally didn't do that.

"I love you", he said.

Amiyah didn't really know what to say back.

She smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow", she said as she stopped touching him.

Lamar stopped touching her.

Amiyah walked passed him and left.


After leaving Lamar's house, she went to CJ's house.

CJ opened the door and saw her.

"What's up?", he asked.

Amiyah looked him up and down. He had on a all black suit. He didn't have on a jacket though, just the dress shirt.

"You look nice", she said.

"Thanks", he said.

"But I see that you have something to do so I'll go", Amiyah said as she started to walk away.

CJ grabbed her arm and Amiyah looked at him.

"Why you come?", he asked.

"Let me go please", she said normally.

CJ stopped touching her. "You upset with me or something?", he asked.

"Nah. My arm is still sore", she said.

"Oh yea", he said

"The decisions you make are up to you", she said.

CJ walked away from the door to get his keys and came outside to lock the door.

"Ole boy took the cameras down yet?", CJ asked.

"", Amiyah said.

"Well then it's nothing we need to talk about", he said.

Amiyah didn't say anything.

"Don't let that nigga run you", CJ said. "He is your son's dad and that's it"

"CJ even if I do explain things to you and his reasoning, you wouldn't understand", Amiyah said.

" I'm seeing why you and Dominic didn't last", CJ said as he walked pasted her.

Amiyah shook her head. She was getting frustrated because of the situation she got put in and at the fact that he was right.

CJ opened his car door and looked at her.

"You gonna move your car or what?", he asked.

Amiyah walked to her car. "Fuck this shit", Amiyah said.

"Excuse me?", he asked.

"I said fuck this shit. I'll just tell them guys I'm not doing it", Amiyah said.

CJ made a face

Amiyah opened her car door.

"Hold up", he said as she shut his door. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Amiyah sighed. "This guy followed me from the court house to the store and asked me to get information for some guy that you work for. I didn't even know you worked for someone", she said. "I thought you ran things"

"I kinda do. I kinda don't. I'm more like his right hand man", CJ said.

"Who is this guy?", Amiyah asked.

"I'm not going to say because you might say something", he said. "Who came to you"

"Some guy that goes by D", Amiyah said.

CJ nods.

"What does D want with this guy anyway?", Amiyah asked.

"He just wants to end him", CJ said.

"So you already know?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea, but he has it coming to him", CJ said.

"I thought you were his right hand man?", Amiyah asked.

"I am..but he's been doing sneaky shit. I didn't realize that until I couple months ago", CJ said.

"...I guess everyone is against you huh?", Amiyah asked.

"Nah. People just don't see a loyal friend when they got one", CJ said.

"...about Lamar he's just-"

"I don't wanna hear about that man", CJ said. "I got business to handle. If you hear from D again call me"

"Why should I get your help when you're being so rude", Amiyah said.

"I ain't being rude. I'm being real with you. I don't wanna talk to you if you gone sit here and be scared of that dumb ass nigga", CJ said.

"I'm not scared", Amiyah said.

"Well if you ain't scared then you want that shit then.  And if you want that, then ... hell I don't know what to say about that", he said.

"...I don't need your help, I'll be good on my own", Amiyah said.

"Have it your way then", CJ said.

Amiyah rolled her eyes and got into the car and drove off.

CJ shook his head and got in his car.


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