Chapter 5

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That evening, Lamar came by as planned and Amiyah cooked dinner, they were in the middle of eating and talking and so far, everything seemed good. She even brought up Dominic to see if that would press some nerves but he reacted fine.

"Miyah, this food is good", Lamar said.

"Really? It's my first time making steak", Amiyah said.

"It's good", Lamar said

"I guess I learn a thing or two from you", Amiyah said.

Lamar relaxed his back on the seat and looked at her. "I mean it's not as good as my steaks but it's a start", Lamar said.

Amiyah chuckled as she looked at her food.

Lamar smiled because she smiled. He still had feelings for her, but he wasn't overpowering anymore like before. He just wanted to her to be happy. Earlier he was wondering if she was pregnant after what he did but she wasn't and he was fine with that.

The door bell rang and Amiyah got up.

"I wonder who that is", she said as she walked to the door then opened it. It was Dominic.

"What are you doing here?", Amiyah asked.

"I just came to check on you", Dominic said.

"I know why you came and I'm fine. I've brought you up multiple times and I didn't see any reaction", Amiyah whispered.

"...I was just making sure okay. I wasn't going to come but I was worried...I started thinking what if", Dominic said.

Amiyah kissed him. "Thank you but I'm fine", she replied.

Dominic nods. "Oh and by the way, how about a date Saturday night?", he asked.

"Sure. Why not", Amiyah said. "I'll go anywhere with you"

Dominic started acting silly. "Aww, you're going to make me blush", he said.

Amiyah started laughing.

"I'll just like go now before you try to take all my goodies", he said as if he was a girl.

Amiyah continued to laughing.

Dominic smiled as he went back to normal. He loved to make her laugh. It was like his job. Even before they dated.

"Nah, but I'm going to let you tend to your guest. In a baby father to baby mother manner that it", he said.

"How else, Nic", Amiyah asked.

"I'm just saying. I know I got a loyal one", Dominic said. "I wouldn't doubt you for a second. But bye, love you"

"Love you too, bye", Amiyah replied.

Dominic began walking to his car and Amiyah closed the door and walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Sorry. That was Dominic", Amiyah said.

"It's cool", Lamar replied. "I was just going to say Goodnight to Kaden, even though he's already sleep and head out. I know you have work in the morning and I'm supposed to get up early to work with my brother"

"Oh. Okay", Amiyah said.

"Thanks for the food. I enjoyed it", Lamar said S he got up.

Amiyah got up too. "Well, you know where to find Kaden", Amiyah said as she picked up the dishes.

Lamar walked away to Karen's room.

Amiyah threw whatever was left on their plates into the trash and put the dishes in the sink and ran the water.

After Amiyah was just about done washing dishes, Lamar came back into the living room.

"I heard him, crying. Was he already awake?", Amiyah asked.

"No. I woke him up", Lamar said. "He's a light sleeper.

Amiyah smiled. "Yes, he is", she said.

Lamar walked next to her and leaned on the counter. "So...bad or good?", Lamar asked.

"What do you mean?", Amiyah asked.

"I know you invited me to see where my head was at. I could tell by our conversation", he said. "I wasn't an detective but I can detect things pretty good"

Amiyah felt a little embarrassed.

"Besides, I know you", Lamar said. "I'm not mad at you, I understand. I was waaayyy out of line"

Amiyah looked at him. "Good. Nothing bad from my point of view", Amiyah said.

"You just saying that?", Lamar asked.

"No. I mean it. I mean of now. Everything seems fine", Amiyah said as she turned the water off and dried her hands.

Lamar looked at her for a moment as she did that. "I enjoyed talking to you thought", he said. "It's not may people who would've done the things you've done for me and I appreciate you"

Amiyah smiled and nodded.

Lamar hugged her and Amiyah slowly hugged him back.

"Goodnight", he said.

"Goodnight", Amiyah replied.

Lamar began to walk out of the kitchen. "Lock the door", he said.

"Of course", Amiyah said as she followed him.

Lamar walked outside to his car and Amiyah watched him for a moment. She didn't know why, but she had feelings for him. She didn't really, notice until tonight while they were talking during dinner.

As Lamar started his car, Amiyah shut the door and locked it. She stood against the door for a moment. Although there were feelings still there for Lamar, the one she wanted the most was who she was with and she wanted to keep it that way.


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