Chapter 13

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After leaving the restaurant, Amiyah decided what she wanted to do. As soon as she got into the car, she called Dominic.

"Hello", Dominic answered.

"Hey, how was work?", Amiyah said.

"Good, how about you", Dominic asked.

"It was okay...listen I wanna talk -"

"Hold that thought. We can talk about that when you come to my house. I have something I need to talk to you about", Dominic said.

"You do?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea. I think you're really going to like it", Dominic said.

"I will? What is it?", Amiyah asked.

"...well I guess it'll be no harm to tell you know, so what the hell, why not?", Dominic said. "I know that at the beginning it was supposed to be you and Bianca owning a firm together but unfortunately things happened...but that still doesn't stop you of getting that dream right?"

"Yea, I just need the money and network first", Amiyah said.

"I got that taken care of, the money at least and we can work on the networking part because I'm good with people", Dominic said.

"Are you saying you're going to help me start a firm?", she asked.

"I'm saying that I've talked to some people about some space you can use to start it and if you agree, I'll pay for it and I'll have your first three clients lined up", Dominic said.

"Dominic you don't have to", Amiyah said.

"I do and I should because with everything you've been going through, you deserve it. I mean like Amiyah even you said that I should spend my money on something meaningful and this is", Dominic said.

"Yea but-"

Dominic chuckles. "Amiyah baby, it's just a question. You don't have to accept even though I think you should", Dominic said. "Unless it's something that's making you say you don't wanna be with me anymore"

"What?", Amiyah asked.

"Last night and today...shit has been different with you. I can't understand why", he said. "I can't understand what I did, unless you think that that Meagan girl was somebody, which she isn't. She's my coworker, yes I used to mess with her but that was years ago"

"I'm not mad at you", Amiyah replied.

"So what's wrong?", Dominic asked. "Because if I didn't do anything and Lamar didn't do anything then who? Your mom? Your brother?"

"No", Amiyah replied.

"Then it must be you", Dominic said. "Did you do something?"

"No", Amiyah said.

"Then what is it? I mean like Amiyah I am trying here. I'm trying, but right now it's like you wanna push me away and out the blue", Dominic said. "I mean like... just talk to me please"

Amiyah sighed. "I think that we need to take a break.  It's- it's me. I just...I don't know", Amiyah said.

Dominic was silent on the other end of the phone.

"Dominic?", Amiyah said.

"Alright, Amiyah. I'll talk to you whenever. The offer about the firm still stands, just let me know", Dominic said before hanging up.

Amiyah sighed before she put the phone down and drove to her house. She cleaned up a little and took a shower. After that she went to Lamar's house to get Kaden.

When she pulled up, she saw Dominic's car in the driveway. She made a face and rushed out the car. When she got to the door she had an argument. The door was unlocked and she opened it and went in.

Dominic had Lamar against the wall. "I know you did something to her", Dominic said. "Stop lying!"

Amiyah looked around at the living. She could tell they were fighting because it was messy.

"Dominic", Amiyah said softly. "Dominic stop"

Dominic heard her voice and began breathing heavily.

"He didn't do anything to me", Amiyah said.

"How can I believe that, when you're always making excuses for him?", Dominic asked after he turned to look at him.

"I'm not okay. I'm not", Amiyah said.

"So why are we doing this again? It's like when things go good, you wanna go left", Dominic asked. "I don't understand"

"I just want to take a break", Amiyah said.

"I'm fine with that but I deserve a reason", Dominic said.

Amiyah looked at Lamar then back at Dominic. She started tearing up. "I can't say okay. Just know that Lamar didn't do anything to me and you didn't do anything to me", Amiyah said.

"Well if you can't give me a reason than turn that break into a break up and let's just...continue being friends if that's even possible. I'm not going to keep doing this with you", Dominic said.

Amiyah looked down.

"I love you, Amiyah. I love you with every organ in my body, but...I don't know...maybe it wasn't meant for us to be together", Dominic said.

Amiyah looked at him. "I love you too. It's just that-"

"If you loved me, it would be no thought of leaving me", Dominic said.

Amiyah whipped her tears.

Dominic looked to the side for a moment. He hated to see her cry. He looked back at Amiyah. "I guess I'll talk to you whatever", he said.

"Dominic", Amiyah said softly.

Dominic shook his head. "No", he said as he walked passed her and out the door. He felt like if she couldn't tell him what was wrong then it was a sign of her feeling guilty about something. The only thing that he felt like she could be guilty about was cheating, but still he didn't know for sure so he tried not to think that way.

Amiyah looked at Lamar.

"You okay?", he asked.

"I'm fine", Lamar replied.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"Amiyah it's alright", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked down.

"Kaden is upstairs in his crib", Lamar said. "His bag is right here on the couch"

"Okay", Amiyah replied before she went upstairs to get Kaden.

Lamar started cleaning and Amiyah eventually came back downstairs.

"You okay?", he asked.

Amiyah shrugged her shoulders, she didn't say anything because she didn't wanna cry. She just grabbed Kaden's bag.

"If you wanna talk about something, I'm here. You've done a lot for me so it's time I do something for you", Lamar said.

"...I don't think that's a good idea, but thank you", Amiyah said.

"Why isn't that a good idea?", Lamar asked.

"It just isn't. Not right now", Amiyah said.

Lamar didn't say anything.

"Goodnight", Amiyah said.

"Goodnight", Lamar replied.

Amiyah left and went home. Things were so complicated, and she just wished that she had Bianca to talk to.


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