Chapter 27

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Lamar cleaned stuff up and took Kaden with him before he left. Amiyah kept tossing and turning, she couldn't sleep.

It was five o'clock in the morning, she finally just got up and put some clothes on so she could leave the house. She decided to go to CJ's house.

She rang the door bell until he answered. She left her phone at home.

CJ finally opened the door. He was sleep, so he looked really tired. 

"You know, you got a lot of nerve coming here at 5 in morning after not answering my calls", CJ said.

"I'm- im sorry", she said.

CJ looked at her. From the sound of her voice he could tell something was wrong.

CJ looked around and brought her in the house and shut the door. "What's wrong with you?", he asked.

"I- I almost died tonight", Amiyah said.

" how are you still here?", he asked.

"My child's father helped me", she said. "He found out about me confronting Jax and well...he kept an eye on my house...good thing he did"

Amiyah sat down on the couch.

"You saying Jax did this?", CJ asked.

"I don't know but it's not a coincidence that I talk to him and this happens", Amiyah said.

CJ looked down.

"I can't believe he would do this", Amiyah said. "In high school we were cool, and then now it's like I took the best thing he ever had away from him and he hates"

"You were snooping into something you had no business doing", CJ said.

"I completely understand that. But whether I was snooping or not, the Jax I knew 2 years ago wouldn't have done this", Amiyah said.

CJ started thinking to himself.

"I just came here because I couldn't sleep alone", Amiyah said. "I've been up all night"

CJ looked at her. "Go to my room, I'll be up there in a minute", he said.

Amiyah nods before she walks upstairs .

CJ sat in the chair for a moment and thought to himself. His feelings for Amiyah weren't really that strong yet, so his first thought wasn't to kill Jax but he didn't want anything happening to Amiyah either.

After he processed his thoughts he went into the his room and got into the bed with Amiyah. He laid with her until she went to sleep. That's when he got up and left around 7 o'clock to go to Jax's house.

Jax opened the door.

"Man, it's too early for you to be coming to my house right now", Jax said. "I thought you'd at least come tonight for the money. I got it though"

"I didn't come for the money. I came to talk about that fucking stunt you pulled last night with Miyah", CJ said.

Jax made a face. "What you know about her?", he as evaked.

"Don't worry about it. Just know you need to calm that shit down", CJ said.

"Ooooh I see", Jax said. "You fucking around with her. You know she still messing around with Dominic too right"

"Jax I don't have time for yo mind games", CJ said.

"According to my boy, Dominic was at her crib for a good little minutes. He got a key and everything", Jax said.

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