Chapter 30

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After leaving the restaurant, Dominic went to Jax's house. When he got to the door, he banged on it. Jax eventually opened the door.

"Where your shirt at?", Jax asked as he blow smoke from his mouth.

Dominic pushed him and since Jax didn't see it coming he lost his balance and fell back.

"What the fuck?", Jax said as he quickly got up.

Dominic punched him and they started fighting.

When Jax got the upper hand, he slammed Dominic on the coffee table causing it to break.

"Damn", Dominic said. His back was in pain.

"We boxed all the time when we was little, bruh. I always won", Jax said.

Dominic got up and grabbed Jax's neck and put him agains the way.

"You put a hit out on Amiyah man?", Dominic asked before he loosened his grip.

"You know I can sue you, I could get a lot of money? You won't be ballin anymore", Jax said.

"You think I give a fuck about money, bruh? Don't change the subject", Dominic said.

"She was in my business", Jax said as he moved Dominic's hand.

"About what?", Dominic asked, even though he knew. He just wanted to see if he'd lie.

"She got this client, he out to get me", Jax said. "Besides you're going to fight yo own friend over a bitch that don't know a damn thing about loyalty?"

"Neither do you", Dominic said.

"So you came here, did all of this for what?", Jax said.

"You a snake", Dominic said.

"I don't own that bitch nothing", Jax said.

Dominic punched Jax and Jax hit his head on the wall so he passed out.

Dominic looked at him then walked over him and walked out the house. He opened the car door and grabbed his dress shirt and put it on, so he could go back to work. It took him a minute to get into the car because his back was still hurting but when he did, he drove off.



That evening after Amiyah got off from work. As she was on the way home, she got a call from Jax so she answered it through the car since she couldn't grab her phone.

"What?", Amiyah asked.

"I thought I told CJ to tell you to keep your mouth shut", Jax said. "Dominic came by here today"

"He did?", Amiyah asked.

"Oh please. Shut the fuck up. You always wanna play victim", he said.

"Jax, you act like I told the police or something", Amiyah said. "Dominic was questioning me and I wanted him to stop"

"You told Dominic. So you might tell the police if they were to push you hard enough", Jax said.

"Jax, what happened with us. I mean we were close, but we were cool", Amiyah said.

"You fake", Jax said. "The same dude that killed your friend is the same one you babied"

"I'm not about to explain this to you again", Amiyah said.

"How about you go talk to Dominic and make sure he don't fuck around and tell your brother. Or next time your baby daddy won't be just in time", he said.

Amiyah rolled her eyes. "Whatever", Amiyah said before she hung up.

She did a u-turn and went to Dominic's house.

Once she got to the house and Dominic opened the door. She saw that he was in a little pain.

"What? Did you fight him or something?" Amiyah asked.

"Nah", Dominic answered.

"Yes you did", Amiyah said.

"Alright. We did", Dominic said.

"Why?", Amiyah asked.

"He tried to kill you", Dominic said.

"Bae, I mean Dominic, I meant Dominic. he's not going to do it again", Amiyah said. "Just stay out of it"

"I know you didn't know Marcus but that your brother Miyah and if you knew him you wouldn't be standing down right now", Dominic said.

Amiyah got quiet.

"...I understand the whole Lamar and Bianca situation. The guy was mentally ill. I'll admit that...but Jax is perfectly fine. He knew what he was doing when he did it. He was smiling in Marcus's face, faking mourning about his death and he's the one who killed him", Dominic said. "You need to fight this shit like you do with anybody else in court. Fuck Jax and his dumb ass"

"Dominic, I'm just thinking about Kaden at this point", Amiyah said.

"Kaden is good. He got a crazy ass daddy. Guess what? You good too because you got me know...ole boy", Dominic said.

"You mean CJ?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea. Him", Dominic said.

"I don't know. We kinda got in an argument", Amiyah said.

"Aw man. I'm sorry to hear that", Dominic said.

"No you aren't", Amiyah said.

"Yea, you're right, I'm not", Dominic said. "Ole boy ain't no good for you anyways"

"..he was actually a cool person to be around...we just have some differences", Amiyah said.

"Well whatever it is, it happened for a reason right?", Dominic said.

Amiyah changed the subject. "Do you need me to rub something on your back for the pain?", Amiyah said.

"Yea, I was struggling earlier", Dominic said.

"Lay down. I'll get it", she said.

Dominic laid down on the couch. "You sure you don't wanna stay here tonight?", Dominic asked.

"I'll be fine at home", Amiyah said as she walked to his bathroom to get the cream.

"If you say so", Dominic said.

Amiyah got the cream and began rubbing it on his back. After she was done, they talked about the situation for a little bit and then she went home.


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