Chapter 2

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The next morning, Dominic woke up on the couch. He was wondering why he was on the couch until he realized that he had fallen asleep while him and Amiyah were watching a movie. After a few minutes, Dominic sat up and looked around. From the window, he could see that Amiyah's car was gone.

"Damn. No bye", he said to himself as he walked to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom, he got his phone to check his messages and emails. He saw a message from Amiyah, so he read it.

Amiyah: Good morning sleepyhead. Sorry, I left so early. I'm meeting my brother for breakfast and I didn't wanna be late. So, I'll talk to you later.

Dominic proceeded to look through his emails then he went into his room to get ready for the day.



Amiyah and her brother, Keyon, were currently at a restaurant and they actually got the time to get to know each other. As they were wrapping things up he started to pop the question up about Lamar.

"So, about Lamar...are you guys still dating?", Keyon asked.

"No", Amiyah replied. "We haven't dated in almost a year...actually I think it's been a year"

"...I'm sorry but I was being nosey and I saw that you got a three-year restraining order put on him about a year ago", Keyon said.

"I dropped that", Amiyah said.

"Yea I know", Keyon said. "That's why I was wondering if you guys were still dating. Sorry for snooping"

"'s okay. I dug some information upon you too", Amiyah said. "I guess great minds think alike"

Keyon chuckles.

"...but he is the father of my son", Amiyah said.

Keyon nods.

Amiyah sipped her orange juice.

"Be careful", Keyon said. "I mean working with him he was fine. I thought he was a cool guy but you have to put that restraining order on him for some reason in the first place so just be careful"

"Thank you for being concerned but I know what I'm doing", Amiyah said. "...for the most part that is"

The waitress came by with the check and put it on the table. "Pay whenever you're ready", she said before walking away.

Amiyah and Keyon reached out for the bill.

"I got it", Amiyah said.

"I know you're a miss big-time lawyer but I got this", Keyon said.

"No, really. I got it", Amiyah said. "I'm the big sister and I feel bad for not being the one to reach other"

"Yea but I understand why you didn't and on behalf of mom not being with you for all these years. I'll pay", he said.

Amiyah picked up the bill. "Yea I'm definitely paying now", she said as she looked at the total.

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