Chapter 11

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That night, Amiyah got to Lamar's house to dropped Kaden off.

"He has ate in a good minute so he should be hungry soon", Amiyah said.

"Alright", Lamar said.

"And I think that's all I have to say", Amiyah said. "Everything good?"

"Kinda", Lamar replied.

Amiyah didn't expect that response. "Well...what's wrong?", Amiyah asked.

"I was thinking about what almost happened last night", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked away. "That didn't mean to happen", Amiyah said softly.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to say that maybe we should keep our distances. I don't want any mixed signals to go around ya know", Lamar said.

"Yea. Of course", Amiyah said.

Lamar nods as he looks away.

"I guess I'll get going. Call me if you need me. Goodnight", Amiyah said as she walked to the door.

"Goodnight", Lamar replied.

Amiyah walked outside and started thinking about Lamar said as she got into the car.

After leaving Lamar's house, she did go to Dominic's house. When she got there, there was another car parked in the driveway. A car that she didn't know.

Amiyah grabbed her overnight bag and got out the car. She had a key to his house so she unlocked the door and walked in. She didn't see anyone when she first walked in. So, she walked to the bedroom and put her things down. She started to go back out the room to find Dominic but his phone started ringing.

She looked at it and the name "Meagan" was on the screen. Amiyah picked the phone up and answered it.

"Hello?", Amiyah said.

The call quickly ended.

Amiyah made a face then she walked out of the bedroom.

"Nic?" , she called.

It was no answer.

She walked outside, in the back of the house and saw Dominic and Jax, his best friend.

Jax looked at Amiyah then back at Dominic.

"Damn, no hey?", Amiyah asked as she stood next to Dominic.

"Nah", Jax said.

"Why you gotta be like that to my lady man?", Dominic asked as he put his arm around Amiyah's waist.

"No offense, but ya lady foul for what she did to you", Jax said.

"I leave Dominic to that guy Jax", Amiyah said.

"Whether you dated him or not after what happened. You still left him for ole boy", Jax said.

Amiyah folded her arms. "I didn't", she argued.

"You did, tryna be miss save a hoe and shut", Jax said

"Says the nigga who don't even have his fucking life together", Amiyah said.

"Okay, okay. Y'all stop", Dominic said.

"I used to like you, but now I don't", Jax said.

"Jax come on man", Dominic said.

Jax looked at Dominic. "The answer to your question, is no. But at the end of the day, it's up to you", Jax said.

Dominic sucked his teeth.

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