Chapter 29

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Amiyah went to the hospital and they removed the bullet. She had to wear a arm sling for a couple of weeks.

"I broke my arm, but I'm fine I can still work", Amiyah said.

"That's what I like about you. You don't make excuses for nothing", her boss said. "Here are some new cases"

"Thank you", Amiyah said as she tried to pick up the papers with one hand.

"You got it?", he asked.

"I sure do", Amiyah said before she walked out of his office.

Amiyah walked to her desk and sat down and started working. Around lunch time, someone came up to her desk.

Amiyah felt a presence so she looked up and it was CJ.

"You need to leave", Amiyah said.

"I think what I need to do is talk to you and that's what I'm going to do", CJ said.

"I'm at work", Amiyah said.

"It's 12 o'clock. You're on lunch break", CJ said.

Amiyah rolled her eyes and stood up and walked passed him and CJ followed her.

"I've been calling you", CJ said.

Some people began lookin at him. They knew of CJ and he made himself noticeable because he talked hood.

Amiyah noticed and walked to the elevator a little faster and pressed the button.

"So you gonna ignore me?", he asked.

The elevator doors opened and she and he walked in. Once the elevator doors closed, Amiyah began talking.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there are only two black people working here. The rest are white. I'm not about to be the one to cause a fucking scene. What do you want?", Amiyah asked.

"So what? You embarrassed of me?", CJ asked.

Amiyah shook her head and looked to the side.

"Wow. That's fucked up", CJ said.

"You can't come to my job and that's that", Amiyah said. "Next thing you know I'm a lawyer that dates a drug dealer and let me tell you that's not a good look for reputation"

The elevator doors opened and Amiyah walked out first, followed by CJ.

Amiyah stopped walked and looked back at him. "What did you wanna talk about?", she asked.

CJ didn't say anything he just walked passed her and left.

Amiyah sighed. She did feel like she was a little harsh on him. She caught up with CJ.

"CJ wait", Amiyah said.

CJ stopped walking. "Nah, I'm giving you want you want. A chance to never be seen with me, or be with me", he said.

"CJ I didn't mean it like that...I just meant that I worked so hard to get here and one day I wanna own my own firm and I just don't want my reputation to go downhill", Amiyah said as she looked around. "I'm not embarrassed of you"

"Seems like you are", CJ said.

"... I'm not. Now what did you wanna talk about?", Amiyah asked.

"Nothing. Forget it", CJ said.

"No say it", Amiyah said.

Someone was getting into their car and shut the door and Amiyah got startled.

"You alright?", he asked.

"Yea. I'm fine", she said. "Go ahead"

Amiyah started to looked like she nervous.

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