Chapter 7

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So Kaden did have an ear infection and the doctor gave them antibiotics to treat it with. Amiyah decided to begin Kaden home with her that night because it was the first time Kaden had gotten sick and she was worried. She even took off for the rest of the week so he didn't have to go to daycare, which is probably how he got it.

It was the next day, in the evening. Dominic got off of work and came straight to her house since Kaden wasn't feeling too good and she didn't want to bring him out. Dominic brought a change of clothes and before he got dressed it call Pizza Hut and ordered food from there. About 30 minutes later, the delivery person knocked on the door.

Dominic opened the door.

"Hey, how are you", she said.

"Great", Dominic replied.

"Bethel?", she asked.

"That is correct", Dominic said.

She gave him the pizza and Dominic sat it down. Then he came back to the door and handed her a 50 dollar bill. "Keep the change", he said.

She smiled. "Well, thank you", she said.

"Have a nice night", Dominic said.

"Thanks. Same to you", she said.

Dominic shut the door and locked it. Then Dominic sat down and grabbed a slice of pizza.

"You okay?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea im fine", Dominic said before biting into the pizza.

"You sure nothing happened at work? You seem...I don't know like something is on your mind", Amiyah said. "You haven't really been talking"

Dominic looked at her. "Baby I'm fine. I'm just a little tired and hungry that's all", he replied.

"...okay", Amiyah replied. "I'm going to get use some plates"

Amiyah got up and walked to the kitchen. Dominic watch her for a second then checked his phone. As Amiyah came back out with the plates, he left his phone alone.

Amiyah glanced at his phone then sat down.

"Here you go", she said.

Dominic grabbed the plate. "Thanks beautiful", he said.

Amiyah got a slice of pizza and put it on her plate.

It silent between them as they watched TV. After Dominic got done eating, he put his arm around her.

Amiyah glances at him then looked back at the TV.

"What?", he asked. He didn't even look at her, he just felt her looking at him.

"I have known you for years and I think it's something more than just being tired and hungry. And we still haven't even talked about that dream you had", Amiyah said.

After Amiyah finished talking, before Dominic could even say anything Kaden started crying.

"This is not over", Amiyah said as she squinted her eyes at him.

"Ooooh. I'm scared", he said sarcastically but in a joking way.

"Don't do that", Amiyah said. "Something is wrong and I know it"

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