Chapter 3

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The next morning, Amiyah was running late for work and she still had to drop Kaden off at daycare.

Amiyah opened the front door to leave and Lamar was standing there like he was about to knock. Amiyah was startled because she didn't expect him to be there of course.

"Lamar, you scared me", Amiyah said.

"I'm sorry", Lamar said. "I would've told you ahead of time but I thought I'd just surprise you"

"I'm surprised alright", Amiyah said as she locked to the door. "But I can't talk because I have to take Kaden to daycare and I have to go to work"

"Yea that's why I came here early. My mom wants to see him", Lamar said.

" can't wait til I got off?", Amiyah said.

"I mean I could but I wanted to spend time with him. I haven't seen him in months", Lamar said.

Amiyah started walking to the car. "...Okay", she said.

"Why you acting like that Miyah?", Lamar asked.

Amiyah was nervous to leave Kaden with Lamar because she hadn't Lamar in months. She didn't know if he was better or the same. It was too soon to tell.

"Nothing. I just wish you would've gave me a heads up", Amiyah said.

Lamar walked to her. "Hey, I'm fine", he said.

Amiyah looked at him.

"I know you're wondering if I'm better and I am", Lamar said.

Amiyah looks down then looks at him. "Okay", she said.

Lamar took Kaden from her. "Hey buddy", Lamar said.

Amiyah smiled a little.

"Trust me. He's always in good hands with me", Lamar said. "I'd never let anything happen to him"

"...Okay", Amiyah said before she kissed Karen's cheek.

Lamar looked down at her stomach.

Amiyah looked at Lamar and he looked at her.

"See you two later", Amiyah said as she walked to the drivers seat.

"Nothing new? No any news you wanna tell me?", Lamar asked.

" not that I know of", Amiyah said.

Lamar nods. "Okay. Have a good day at work. Put the bad guys away", Lamar said.

"As you need money?", she asked.

"No. I'm good", he said.

Amiyah nods before getting into the car and pulling out of the driveway.

"We're going to have some fun today", Lamar said. "Hopefully you can hang"

Kaden started crying.

"What's wrong buddy?", Lamar said.

Kaden continued cry.

"I know you're not used to me yet but I'm your dad", Lamar said as he walked to his car. "I promise to be the best I can"

Lamar calmed Kaden down before putting him into the car and then he drove off.

While Amiyah was at work, she looked up to see Dominic coming in with some food. She starred at him for a moment because she expected him to be at work and it was also kind of deja vu from when Lamar brought her food unexpected.

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