Chapter 18

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It's the same day that CJ and Amiyah had sex but it's later on that night. Lamar came to drop Kaden off at her house.

"I told you I could've came to get him", Amiyah said.

"I know but I was coming this way anyway", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked down. "I just...I just wanna tell you something so the air can be clear", Amiyah said.

"What's up?", Lamar asked.

"...I sent you mixed signals and I apologize for any confusions but...I realized that me and you are just co parents...friends. I care about you a lot and I'm always here for you but...I was reading my feelings wrong and I'm sorry", she said.

"It's cool", Lamar said with a smile. "You happy? I'm happy...I'm not any good for you anyways"

"Lamar we had good times", Amiyah said.

"I mean like...emotionally and mentally. I'm not good for you", he said. "I can't be with you, even if I wanted to"

Amiyah was quiet.

Lamar looked at neck then back at her face.

"You and Dominic back together?", he asked.

"No, we aren't. I don't know if we ever will be but it's fine I guess. As long as we're still friends", Amiyah said.

Lamar made a face.

"...what?", she asked.

"What's wrong with you next?", Lamar asked.

Amiyah quickly touched her neck. She forgot about the hickey that CJ left.

"Never mind", Lamar said with a chuckle. "I don't wanna I said. Whatever makes you happy"

Amiyah smiled a little to hide her embarrassment.

"But just make sure I meet who ever this is if y'all get serious before he's around my son. I don't want anything happening to my son", Lamar said.

"I would never let anything happen to Kaden but okay", she said.

"Alright. Well...Goodnight. You be safe too. You already got with one crazy ass nigga, you don't need to be with another", Lamar jokingly.

Amiyah chuckled a little.

"Just playing but..yea be careful", he said.

"Goodnight. I will", she said.

Lamar left and Amiyah locked the door.

The next day was Saturday. At the moment she was eating and Kaden was on the floor crawling around and messing with his toys and other things like decorations.

"Uh uh. Don't touch that before you hurt yourself", Amiyah said.

Kaden looked at her and messed with it some more before he stopped.

"Just because you're almost one, don't mean you can get beside yourself", she said.

Suddenly, Amiyah got a knock at the door. It was Dominic and she already knew that because he said he'd come over since they didn't get a chance to talk the other night.

Amiyah walked to the door and opened it.

"I said you could just use the key", she said.

"Oh yea. My bad", Dominic said. "It smells good. What you cooking?"

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