Chapter 39

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After the police observed the scene, an officer told Amiyah that it looked like suicide. They also said that they were going to check the footage in the from the cameras to be sure and to also see who killed Kaden.

Amiyah was in a darker place than ever. She couldn't even drive home. She just sat outside in her car the whole day. Eventually Dominic called her repeatedly followed by CJ but she never answered.

A few minutes later, Dominic pulled in behind her. He didn't know she was in the car so he got out of the car and knocked on the door of the house but nobody answered.

"What the fuck", he said to himself. He was starting to worry.

That's when he noticed that Amiyah was in her car. He walked to the car and knocked on the window. She didn't even bother to look. He opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat.

"You know if you're going to just sit in the car, you shouldn't have the door unlocked", Dominic said to see if she'd smile.

Amiyah didn't say anything. She still didn't look at him. She was too busy feeling Kaden's blanket.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

Amiyah sighed. She couldn't even cry anymore.

"...everything okay with Kaden?", Dominic asked. He asked that because he noticed how she was messing with her blanket.

"No", she said softly.

"What happened?", Dominic asked.

"...I'm a bad mother", she said.

Dominic made a face.

"He's...he's gone. They're doing an autopsy on his body now", Amiyah said.

"Woah woah, wait what?", Dominic asked.

Amiyah told him what happened.

"Nah. Nah Amiyah", Dominic said.

"Dominic it's- it's true", Amiyah said.

"Who did it?", Dominic asked.

"I don't know...I told them if they find out to not tell me until after the funeral. I just wanna grief and mourn right now. I don't wanna add anger to the equation", Amiyah said.

Dominic looked down. "You think Lamar did it?", Dominic asked. "Amiyah I told you to be-"

Amiyah cut him off. "Dominic I don't know okay. I doubt it", she said.

"The guy unpredictable Amiyah", Dominic said.

"Dominic, Lamar is dead too", Amiyah said. "I rather not talk about him either"

Dominic got quiet.

"He killed himself", Amiyah said.

"Dang...I'm sorry Amiyah", Dominic said.

Amiyah didn't say anything.

"I'm here for you", Dominic said.

"...I always have been. If I didn't have you, I don't know where I'd be right now", Amiyah said.

Dominic touched her thigh and rubbed it with his thumb.

They sat there for a little while longer then they decided to go to his house. Amiyah didn't want to stay at her house because she knew she'd think about Kaden even more. She laid in the bed with Dominic because she just wanted to be held and comfort and that's what he did. He talked to her and saying things that kept her calm. He talked about funny things that happened in the past to lighten her mood a tad. He did everything he could just to keep her from becoming depressed and thinking she was a bad mother.

"Oh do you remember prom night?", Dominic asked.

"Every moment", Amiyah said.

"I couldn't say because we went with two different people but...I thought you looked amazing", Dominic said. "It's crazy because I think that, that's the moment that I fell in love with you"

Amiyah looked at him.

"You're beautiful inside and out. You do everything you can for a person even if that means sacrificing yourself. You are a good person, but not only that, you are a great mother and Kaden loved you to death", Dominic said.

Amiyah looked at the window. The sun was starting to set.

She got from out of his arms and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I miss you Dominic", Amiyah said.

Dominic sat up.

"I was with CJ because I was going through something...I just... I felt like everything in my life was falling apart and I thought that maybe I needed something new when in reality I just need something thats been around me for years", Amiyah said.

" how do you feel about CJ?", Dominic said. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"No. I thought I was starting to but I didn't. He is a good friend though", Amiyah said.

Dominic looked down.

"He's not you though", Amiyah said. "Not only are you my friend, my best friend...but you're my soulmate", she said. "I love you, Dominic"

"I love you too, Amiyah", Dominic said.

"But of course...we should keep things how they are now, for now", Amiyah said. "Especially until you can trust that I won't hurt you again"

Dominic looked to the side.

Amiyah got up from the bed to check her phone that was in her purse.

Dominic watched her.

Amiyah put her phone back.

"Are you hungry?", Dominic asked.

"No", Amiyah said as she got back in the bed.

"Remember what I said last time. Starving yourself will only make things worse for yourself", Dominic said.

"I'm just really not hungry, okay? I just wanna sleep", Amiyah said.

"...fine. But in the morning I'm cooking you a big hot breakfast and you better eat it", he said

"Fine", Amiyah said as she closed her eyes.

Dominic shook his head. He knew she was just saying that to get him to be quiet. "Alright", he said.

Dominic got up and began walking toward the door.

Amiyah opened her eyes. "Where you going?", Amiyah asked.

"Kitchen", he said. "Why? You need me to stay?"

"No", Amiyah replied.

Dominic walked out of the room.

Amiyah sighed then closed her eyes.


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