Chapter 14

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Amiyah took Kaden to daycare and went straight to the gym. Usually she'd run outside in the neighborhood but she finally got a gym member ship instead.

She ran on the treadmill, as memories kept flashing through her brain. The more the hurtful memories, the faster she ran. She realized that it had been thirty five minutes so she slowed it down and eventually got off of the treadmill. She drank her water as she walked over to the weight area. She was planning on working on her arms.

She grabbed two of the dumbbells. As she did that guy was grabbing his on the other end.

"You could be a track star girl", he said.

Amiyah looked at him. "Once upon a time in high school and college", she said.

"Word", he said.

Amiyah walked to one of the benches.

"So what's your name?", he asked.

"...I just don't wanna waist your breath so, I'm just going to say that I'm not interested. I'm sorry", Amiyah said.

"Oh. Okay, that's cool", he replied. "Sorry to bother you"

Amiyah nods.

He goes back to doing what he was doing.

Amiyah sat there for a moment, she could help but think about the look on Dominic's face last night. She felt like she made the right decision because she didn't want anyone to get hurt, but it was a decision she regretted. Lately, even before she felt like she needed to be alone to think about that things, she had been having a low feeling. She had been feeling like that after Bianca died and especially after having her baby.

After her workout, she left the gym. She was too busy worrying about her problems that she didn't look both ways before crossing the street and a car almost hit her.

"Oh my gosh", she said as she got out the way.

The car continued to drive pass.

Amiyah took a deep breath and continued walking to her car.

When she got home, she took a shower and got dressed for the day. As hours passed she looked through her cases. Lamar was going to come drop Kaden off at her house in a few minutes so she decided to stop working on her cases and relax while she had the chance.

She sat back on the couch and started to watch tv, until she got a knock at the door.

Amiyah sighed and stood up and walked to the door and opened it. It was Lamar and Kaden.

"You guys are here early", Amiyah said.

"Yea. I kinda have something to do tonight", Lamar said.

"Oh, okay", Amiyah replied as she took Kaden.

Lamar shut the front door.

"But before that, I have a question", Lamar said.

"Okay", Amiyah replied.

"...this may be weird or awkward but...I was just wondering if you still have feelings for me or something", he asked.

Amiyah looked down.

"I can't lie and say that I don't", Amiyah said before looking up at him. "But I don't know what those feelings are. I don't know what they mean"

Lamar looked to the side.

"...why?", Amiyah asked.

Lamar looked at her. "I was just asking", he replied. "It's just after our talk then you and Dominic were all of a sudden broken up...I don't know. I just put two and two together"

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