Chapter 37

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CJ pulled up to the location that he was supposed to be at. He walked up to the door and the person outside opened it for him. As CJ walked through the place to get to the back, he saw strippers walking around and some were dancing and guys playing cards as they watched.

"Yo! What's up, CJ!", one of them said.

"What's up", CJ said as he continued to walk.

"Hey daddy", a girl said as she walked by him and touched his muscles.

"What's up", he replied with a smirk and looked back as she walked away.

CJ finally made it to the back room. There sat the same guy that approached Amiyah. He told her that just name was D but that wasn't his name at all. His name was Mike. The guy who CJ kind of worked under.

"Just the muthafucka I been waiting on", Mike said.

"What's up", CJ said.

"You know...lately it's been some tension between us. What's up with that man", Mike said.

"Don't get me wrong, you still my boy but I've been seeing how you been moving lately and I don't fuck with that", CJ said.

"How I've been moving?", Mike asked.

"With other people around here, bruh. Ain't no telling if you doing the same shit behind my back. You already fucked me over once", CJ said.

"Once. You my brother man, I-", Mike said.

"You ain't my brother", CJ said.

"Once upon a time I was", Mike said.

"Until you did what you did", CJ said.

"And you forgave me because that was just one of your trifling ass hoes. She came on to me", Mike said. "I did you a favor"

CJ shook his head. "Listen, some dude named D looking for you bruh", he said. "He tried to get my lawyer that I had on the case to get some info on you from me"

Mike nods.

"We need to handle that shit", CJ said.

Mike looked at him. "Listen bruh, we'll be good. He can't get information that she don't know from her", Mike said.

"Then he may end up killing her", CJ said. "She don't have shit to do with this man"

"Since when did you give a fuck about any casualties?", Mike asked.

"... we just need to handle this dawg", CJ said.

"I saw her at your court hearing and she is bad as hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you hit that", Mike said.

"Nah and a matter of fact I haven't talked to her since my hearing until today", CJ said.

Mike nods. "Alright", he said.

"Come on", CJ said.

"Let me just make this call real quick and I'm coming", Mike said.

CJ walked out of the room.


Amiyah got in her bed and looked at the number that D (who was actually Mike) gave her. She was procrastinating to call him.

Suddenly, she got a call from a No Caller ID number. She had a feeling it was him, so she answered it.

"Hello?", Amiyah said.

"I see you aren't so secretive with things, so your work is done", Mike said.

"CJ isn't the guy to snitch on anyone so he wouldn't tell me even if I was secretive enough", Amiyah said.

"I'm aware of that now", Mike said.

"But how did you know I talked to CJ?", Amiyah asked.

"I have my ways", he replied. "Bye"

Mike hung up the phone.

He just went to Amiyah to see if CJ would turned on him and he didn't which was good.

Amiyah put her phone down and looked at the ceiling and sighed.

Suddenly, she got a FaceTime call from Dominic so she answered it

"Hey", Amiyah said. "I haven't gotten a FaceTime call from you in a minute"

Dominic chuckled. "You ain't lying", he said. "But what's up with you? What you doing?"

"Nothing. Alone and bored", Amiyah said.

"Same", Dominic said. " and CJ still buttin' heads"

"'s because of Lamar", Amiyah said. "I guess I have been babying Lamar and I need to stop"

"Yea", Dominic said. "He does get away with a lot of stuff"

"...I'm just going to talk to him", Amiyah said.

"What did he do?", Dominic asked.

"...cameras", she said.

"Again?", Dominic asked.

"Yea, but I'm going to talk to him. He's just scared something could happen to me", she said.

"I just feel like he ain't over you. I feel like he still obsessed in a less creepy way", Dominic said.

Amiyah sighed. "I don't know. It's just so much shit going on right now. I don't know what to do", Amiyah said.

"Go out of town or something and pamper yourself", he said.

"That doesn't sound bad but my usual partner in crime is gone. It's just weird going out of town by myself", she said.

"Well maybe-...hold up. You know what I'll talk to you tomorrow, my mom calling me", he said.

"Well tell her I said hello", Amiyah said.

"Alright, Goodnight", he said.

"Goodnight", she said.

Amiyah hung up the phone and laid back in the bed. A text message notification came through.

CJ: sorry for being an asshole. I just don't like what old boy doing. How about all three of us talk like adults and tell him to take it down. Is that cool? Oh and we back together so have my side of the bed ready tonight and listen for your phone when I call. I don't know who tf D is, and I don't like that he approached you, so I'm coming later after I'm done with something. Goodnight.

Amiyah read the message and turned her volume all the way up and put it next to her on the bed and closed her eyes.


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