Chapter 31

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When Amiyah got home, she saw CJ's car parked in the driveway.

Amiyah got out of the car and so did CJ.

"Did I ask you to come here?", Amiyah asked

"Nah but at the end of the day, I come where I please", CJ said. "So let's not be rude and instead tell me what's up with you"

"...I was shot", Amiyah said. "I grew up in an average household. No violence, no drama and two days ago I almost died because I chose to not keep myself in that average life and around average people"

CJ continued to listen.

"I knew that being with you may have some risks, which is why I was fine with keeping it on the low...but that doesn't even matter because I'll still have to deal with that risk", she said. "Today while we were together, I just kept flashing back to that night"

"Then let's change that", CJ said.

"What do you mean?", Amiyah asked.

"I mean..I've been thinking about what you said and what happened and I wanna change", he said. "But I can't do that alone ma. I need your help"

"...What do you need my help with?", Amiyah asked. "I mean, I don't know how well it will be for you to get a decent job because of accusations and your criminal record"

"I know it ain't gone be easy but I mean like I know it's some programs and stuff out there that can get me a job or something", CJ said.

Amiyah nods. "...I'll see what I can do", she said.

"I appreciate it", he said.

Amiyah walked to the door. "Would you like to come in?", she asked.

"I thought you said you didn't feel safe around me", he said.

"I never said that. I just said I kept replaying the event in my head. Besides, I feel a little better in the house", Amiyah said.

"So does that mean I get to stay the night since you're blocking me in?", he asked.

Amiyah smiles. "I suppose", she said as she went into the house and CJ followed her.


The next morning, someone was at Amiyah's door. Amiyah was still asleep, but CJ heard it and woke up. Amiyah told him she hadn't been sleeping good for the past few days so he wanted her to sleep.

He got out the bed and walked to the living room and opened the door. It was Lamar.

Lamar and CJ both made a face at each other. CJ saw him carrying a baby so he realized who he was.

"You must be her baby daddy", CJ said.

"Chris right?", Lamar asked.

"I go by CJ", he said. "But how did you know my-"

Amiyah walked into the living.

"Who's at the door?", she asked as she walked to the door and CJ moved aside.

CJ was still wondering how he knew his real name.

"Good morning", she said.

"Good morning. Let me talk to you outside real quick", Lamar said.

"...okay", Amiyah said as she walked out and shut the door.

"What the fuck is he doing here?", Lamar asked. "You got shot because of him and he's here after I told you I was going to bring our son here this morning?"

"Lamar he's about to leave", Amiyah said.

"He should've been gone before I got here", Lamar said.

"He's not a bad guy. He's even trying to change", Amiyah said. "You of all people should know how that is"

"So you gone bring that up?", Lamar asked.

"I'm just saying", Amiyah said. "If I was anybody else, you wouldn't be around him and we would not be having this discussion"

"Not everyone can be fixed like me", Lamar said.

"You do realize that people said the same thing about you?", Amiyah asked.

"You know what Miyah. I'm leaving and Kaden coming back with me", Lamar said.

"Lamar are you serious right now? I mean like I know stuff has happened but- ...wait I didn't tell you I got shot", Amiyah said. "I said I fell on my arm"

"Yes you did", Lamar said.

"No I didn't", Amiyah said. "How did you know that?"

Lamar shook his head and looked to the side.

Amiyah folded her arms. "Lamar?", she said.

Lamar looked at her. "Alright, listen. It's not what you think. I was just doing my research", he said. "I saw it on camera"

"You put cameras in his house?", Amiyah asked. "Lamar, what the fuck "

"No, outside the house. He would've noticed if I did it inside", Lamar said.

Amiyah shook her head. "Oh my god", she said.

"I just needed to see how he operated", he said.

"I thought we were done with this?", Amiyah asked. "If you wanna know about someone, ask"

"People ain't truthful", he said. "Better to be safe than sorry"

"Give me my son. CJ will leave but me and you will have this discussion later", Amiyah said.

Lamar gave Kaden to Amiyah.

"Thank you", Amiyah said. "Well daddy bye, Kaden"

Kaden waved at Lamar to tell him bye.

"Bye little man", he said.

Amiyah walked into the house and put Kaden down and shut the door.

"I'm sorry CJ but-"

"Ole boy don't want me around his son. I get it", CJ said.

"Yea, I'm sorry. He just has to get to know you first", Amiyah said.

"It's cool. I'm the same with my daughter", he said.

Amiyah nods.

"I'll talk to you later", he said as he hugged her.

"Okay", she said as she hugged him back.

He pulled away a little. "I can kiss you right?", he asked.

"Since you want to change things then I don't see what's wrong with getting back together, so why not", she said.

CJ kissed her and Amiyah kissed back.

"Bye", he said.

"Bye", Amiyah replied

CJ left.


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