Chapter 25

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The next day, Amiyah decided to go talk to Jax anyways before she went to go get Kaden.

She pulled up to Jax's house and got out the car. She walked to the door and knocked on it. Eventually Jax opened the door. He was shirtless and had some shorts on.

"Dominic ain't here, as you can see his car ain't here", Jax said.

"I'm not here for Dominic", Amiyah said. "This isn't his house right?"

"Don't be a smart ass", Jax said.

"We'll be a jackass", Amiyah said.

"What you want?", he asked as he leaned on the dood frame.

"I want some answers", Amiyah said. "I met my brother recently and he was talking about how they never found our brother's killer...his name was Marcus"

Jax stopped leaning on the door frame and stood up straight.

"Youre the only person I know that's out here and I thought that maybe that name may ring a bell and you may know who did it", she said.

"If I did, I ain't a snitch", Jax said.

Amiyah rolled her eyes. "You sure you aren't a snitch, because you tell Dominic every single thing you know or heard about", she said.

"That's different", Jax said.

Jax looked passed Amiyah and saw CJ pull up.

"I forgot that nigga was supposed to come", Jax said.

Amiyah turned around and saw CJ get out the car and she quickly faced forward.

"Get off my porch. I don't have no time for him flirting with you and you giving him the time of day and Dominic come to me talking about yo ass again".  Jax said.

"I get it. I made a fucked up decision but why the fuck are you so mad. That had nothing to do with you", Amiyah said.

"Honestly, I just wanna know why you here", Jax said.

"I already told you why I was here and I want my answers", Amiyah said.

CJ walked up on the porch and looked Amiyah up and down as if it was his first time seeing her.

Amiyah didn't look at him, she continued to look at Jax.

"Don't worry, I'll be back", Amiyah said.

"Don't bring yo ass back here unless Dominic here. That's the only way you allowed here", Jax said.

Amiyah rolled her eyes and walked to her car.

"One of Dominic girls?", CJ asked.

"They back and forth", Jax said.

"Mmm...but you got the rest of my money?", CJ asked.

"I don't. Man look you'll get yo money and I'll call you when I get that shit", Jax said.

"Nah Bitch I said I want my shit today. Back when we was cool, I ain't mind you being late but I don't fuck with you no more because you a fucking snake", CJ said.

"You act like I told the police or something", Jax said.

"It don't fucking matter. They could've and probably did!", CJ said. "Now Imma give you tomorrow and that's it Bruh. That's all the time you got. I don't wanna do something I don't have to do because you playing"

"You just collecting for the nigga over you. If he need his money, he know where to find me", Jax said before he shut the door.

CJ shook his head.

CJ wasn't really in charge of things in a whole. He did work for somebody, it's just that he was in charge of a certain area of the city and he got a certain percentage of whatever the person he worked under made. The person's name was Shaq, short for Shaquille.

CJ walked toward his car and started thinking about what Jax said about Dominic and Amiyah. He didn't know that, he was the ex she was talking about.

Once CJ started driving, he called Amiyah.

"Hello?", Amiyah said.

"What were you doing?", CJ asked. "Who told you to come out here questioning him? You thought you were going to get answers or something?"

"I know what I'm doing", Amiyah said.

"What? Get yourself killed?", he asked.

"He's not going to do anything to me", Amiyah said

"What makes you think that? You still fucking with Dominic or something?", CJ asked.

"No. We are just friends", Amiyah said.

"You ain't tell me y'all was dating", CJ said.

"I didn't know that was relevant", Amiyah said.

"It is if you gone be around him", CJ said.

"We just started dating and you wanna do this already?", Amiyah asked.

"Do what? Not want you around your fucking ex? Tell me how that shit sounds, Amiyah", he said.

"Oh you must be mad. You called me Amiyah", she said.

"I'm not joking around. I'm not allowing y'all alone together. You and yo baby daddy is one thing because that's your son's father but I ain't comfortable with you around Dominic alone", he said.

"Okay CJ", Amiyah said.

"You need to tell him at least about us", CJ said. "If you don't, I will"

"Why?", Amiyah asked.

"So he will be warned", CJ said. "So if he try something, I can beat his ass"

"Dominic won't try anything with me", Amiyah said.

"Yes he will. I'm not stupid. I know him", CJ said. "Just do what I said, please. That's all you gotta do"

"...I don't appreciate the way you talking to me", Amiyah said.

"It's a lot of things I don't appreciate, but I gotta suck shit up and live with it", CJ said.

"Bye CJ", Amiyah said.

CJ sighed. "You know what, my tone of voice is uncalled for. You're right. My bad", he said.

"Bye CJ", Amiyah said before she hung up.

CJ looked at his phone once the call ended and put his phone down and continued to drive.


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