Chapter 32

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"Mommy loves you, you know that right?", Amiyah asked Kaden before she kissed his cheek.

Kaden started laughing.

"That laugh is something I need right now", Amiyah said.

Amiyah's phone starts ringing and it was Keyon.

"Hello", Amiyah said after she answered the phone.

"Hey", Keyon said. "What's up? I never heard back from you"

"Yea I'm sorry. So many things have been going on", Amiyah said.

"Did you- ...hold up. Let me call you back", Keyon said.

"Um okay", Amiyah said.

Keyon hung up the phone and Amiyah put out her's down next to her.

"Okay then", she said.



Keyon walked to the door and opened it. It was CJ.

"I'm guessing Amiyah told you about me telling her about what you did", Keyon said.

"Yea she told me about what you think I did but did you tell her about what you did?", CJ asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Keyon said.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about", CJ said as he walked in.

Keyon pulled his gun out. "Step back outside of my house bruh, or this will give me a reason to finally shoot yo ass", he said.

"Just like you hire someone to shoot my house up? To almost kill your sister man?", CJ asked.

Keyon made a face. "What?", he said.

"It took me a day or so to find the guys who did. Luckily they owed me a favor and they said some cop did it and they described you bruh", CJ said.

"I didn't do that", Keyon said.

"As far as I'm concerned you did. It's not a coincidence. But hey I'm glad you did it because I decided that I'm going to change but if you try this again, I may be even worst when I come for your ass", CJ said.

"...why was she at your house so late?", Keyon asked.

"I think that's between me and her", CJ said.

"You need to stay away from her. Real shit", Keyon said.

"That's up to her", CJ said.

Keyon hit CJ with his pistol and CJ passed out.

"Or it's up to me", Keyon said as he cocked the gun back and aimed it at CJ.

Suddenly, Keyon's door bell rang.

"Damn", Keyon whispered.

He put the gun back in the his gun holder and dragged CJ to the kitchen. Then he walked to the door and opened it. It was Dominic.

"Dominic?", Keyon said.

"Hey, I hope you ain't mind but Amiyah told me where you stayed", Dominic said.

"Nah. It's cool. I ain't see you in years man", Keyon said. "How you know Amiyah?"

"Let's just say we're good friends", Dominic said. "'s kinda complicated between us but I didn't come here to talk about her. I actually wanted to talk about Marcus"

Keyon made a face. "What about him?", he asked.

"Can I come in? Or do you wanna sit out here?", Dominic asked.

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