Chapter 4

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Dominic spent the night, so that is who Amiyah woke up to.

She got up of bed and walked to the side of the bed that he was on to take something out of her night-stand.

Suddenly, Dominic jumped out of his sleep as he gasp for air.

Amiyah jumped a little as she looked at him.

"You okay?", Amiyah asked as she made a face.

Dominic looked at her and nods. "Yea", he said. "I'm fine"

Dominic laid back down, on his back and starred at the ceiling.

"What were you dreaming about?", Amiyah asked.

"Nothing", he said as he sat up and on the edge of the bed.

"...weirdo", she said jokingly.

Dominic kept a straight face. He was caught up in his own thoughts.

"No seriously, what's up?", Amiyah asked as she got seriously.

Dominic grabbed her hand and lead her closer to him. "Nothing bae", Dominic said before he put his hands on each side of her waist and kissed her stomach and started moving down to her private area.

They had sex the last night so she wasn't fully clothed.

"I have to get ready for work", Amiyah said.

"Take the day off", Dominic said he put her on the bed.

Amiyah giggled. "Nic, it's too late to take the day off. I have to go", Amiyah said.

Dominic spread her legs and started to put his face toward her private area to eat her out but she blocked his head and sat up.

Dominic looked up at her and smirk. "Okay. You win", he said.

"Mmm", Amiyah said with a smile.

Dominic moved out the way and Amiyah got out of the bed and started walking to the bathroom.

"We'll talk about your dream later and can you check on Kaden", Amiyah said before shutting the bathroom door so she could take a shower.

Dominic put his clothes on and went to check on Kaden. He was still sleep surprisingly.

"Since when did you start sleeping all night", Dominic asked quietly as he looked Kaden.

Dominic walked then walked to pick out an outfit for him. "I'm going to have to you lookin' fly today", Dominic said.

After Amiyah washed herself in the shower, she got out of the shower dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her and walked out of the bathroom. She didn't see Dominic, nor his clothes. She then walked into Kaden room's and saw Dominic getting him dressed.

"Some new Jordan's came out and I order some for me and you. Shhh don't tell mommy", Dominic said not knowing Amiyah was behind him.

"Dominic", Amiyah called.

Dominic looked back. "Oh. Hey sexy", he said.

Amiyah folded her arms. "I told you, stop buying him things. I appreciate it but he's not going to do nothing but grow out of it next month", Amiyah said.

"Yea but he's supposed to be the fliest baby in daycare", Dominic said.

Amiyah smiled and shook her head. "I get that you didn't have much growing up and now that your making money, you wanna buy things...but stop being so materialistic", she said.

"You think I'm materialistic?", Dominic asked.

"Kinda", Amiyah said. "I mean yes you care about other things and people but it's good to save your money versus living in luxury"

"First, I don't think I'm materialistic. I just want the best of things for myself and the people around me. Second, you're right I do buy a lot of expensive things but that was when it was just me ya know. Sometimes you gotta appreciate yourself and spoil yourself a little when nobody else is", he said. "Besides, if you got the money than why not?"

"...okay. Well I'm wrong then, you're not materialistic", Amiyah said. "You just like wasting your money on expensive things"

"I'll remember that when I pick out your wedding ring when that time comes", he said.

Amiyah's mouth opened. "You wouldn't", she said.

Dominic smiled and changed the subject. "I know you're sitting on some good money though", Dominic said.

"That's only for me to know", Amiyah said with a smile. "But I need to get dressed"

"If you want, I can take Kaden to daycare", Dominic said.

"No. I will", Amiyah said. "I need to add Lamar to the list of people who can pick Kaden up"

" don't wanna fill him out first?", Dominic said. "He's been gone for like three months. Who knows what he's been up to"

"I will fill him out tonight. He's coming over", Amiyah said. "But I feel like he's fine"

"How do you know?", Dominic asked.

"...because this time I'm actually listening to the voice in the back of my head", Amiyah said.

Dominic didn't say anything because he didn't know what that meant.

Amiyah walked out of the room to get ready for work.

Dominic didn't like the thought of Amiyah and Lamar alone together. He didn't trust him. The last time he listened to Amiyah, bad things happened and he didn't want those things to happen again.

After Amiyah got dressed, she finished getting Kaden ready and they left out the house, along with Dominic.

"I love you. Have a good day at work", he said.

"I love you too and thank you", Amiyah replied.

Dominic and Amiyah kissed and they got into their cars and left.



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