Chapter 22

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The next day Amiyah was walking out of the court house when she got a phone call from Tiana, Dominic's sister.

Amiyah answered the phone. "Hello?", she said.

"Hey, girl", Tiana said.

"Hey. What's up?", Amiyah asked.

She already knew Tiana was calling about Dominic.

"What's up with you and my brother?", she asked.

"Nothing to say but we broke up", Amiyah replied.

"Why though?", Tiana asked.

"That's what he wanted", Amiyah said. "I'm not going to force anything that he doesn't want"

"But he does want you", Tiana said.

"Listen, I've done some things to push him away and I get that, but him ignoring me for days doesn't seem like he wants me. We've been through this cycle twice and he doesn't wanna do it again and I guess I don't either", Amiyah said. "I'm not going to force this"

Tiana sighs. "Damn", she said. "...listen, I'm not supposed to say anything but Dominic was going to propose to you"

"Tiana stop lying", Amiyah said.

"Seriously. He was and if you were going to say yes or even wanna say yes than you should force it", Tiana said.

"...Dominic isn't even putting the effort in. I'm not going to show somebody certain attention that I'm not receiving back", Amiyah said.

"That's true", Tiana said.

Amiyah looked at her car and saw CJ standing at it.

"Listen I'll talk to you later", Amiyah said.

"Okay", Tiana said.

Amiyah hung up the phone and got closer to him.

"You got another court date or something?", she asked.

"Yo brother was at my crib last night after you left", he said. "I would've called you but I thought I needed to do this face to face to see if you were lying"

CJ walked a little closer to her. 

"Na I thought that you possibly could've been wired but we had sex so that wasn't the case", he said. "So I guess the question is, were you planning on getting me arrested last night"

"I didn't know he was there", Amiyah said. "I told him this morning that I didn't think you did it. He didn't listen. Besides, I worked my ass off to keep you out of jail, I'm not about to put that hard work to waste"

"Unless I really did kill your brother right?", CJ asked.

"I don't know. You said that you only kill if you have to, if your life is in danger. I mean I don't really know if that true or not and I certainly don't know what type of person Marcus I don't know", Amiyah said.

CJ backed up away from her a little bit.

"Also, you won't tell me who so I don't know", Amiyah said.

"Because I'm not a snitch. If you wanna see the proof that I wasn't here the day and time that, that happened, I got the proof. And the only reason why I'll show you is because I want you to continue to be my lawyer if I need you", he said.

"I told you before I don't like to represent the Guilty", Amiyah said. "Selling drugs is illegal along with everything else you do"

"Accusations. We're in public", he whispers.

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