Chapter 24

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The next day, Dominic came to Amiyah's house to talk things out.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you...I just- I was just pissed because I felt you cheated on me or something", Dominic said.

"I never cheated and that's something I'll never do to anyone", Amiyah said.

Dominic was quiet.

"...I love you Dominic", Amiyah said softly.

"I love you too, but I don't know. I just think that we should stay separated for a while", Dominic replied.

Amiyah looked down. "If you don't wanna date anymore just say that", Amiyah said.

"I'm not going to say that because I don't feel that way", Dominic said.

Amiyah shook her head. She didn't believe him but she said okay anyways.

"Okay", she said.

"Friends until then?", he asked. "I mean like if you don't find somebody better than me by then", he said jokingly but he was serious at the same time.

Amiyah chuckled a little. "Shut up", she said.

Dominic touched her chin and kissed her on her forehead.

Amiyah looked down for a moment then looked at him.

"I gotta go", he said.

"Okay", Amiyah said. "Bye"

"Bye", Dominic said as he got up.

"Wait...I have something to say", Amiyah said.

"Okay", Dominic said.

"Watch your back out here. People that you may think are your closest friends but really they aren't", Amiyah said.

Dominic made a face. "What is that supposed to mean?", Dominic asked.

"Just be cautious...I don't care how long you've known a person. Just be cautious", Amiyah said.

Dominic stood there for a moment wondering what she was talking about. "...Okay", he said.

Amiyah sighed. "Don't ghost me again", she said.

"I won't. I'm sorry. I just didn't wanna say anything to you that I'd regret", Dominic said.

Amiyah nods.

"Talk to you later", he said.

"Okay", Amiyah said.

Dominic left and Amiyah went to her room.

2 Weeks Later

It's been a couple of weeks and Amiyah had a gut feeling that CJ was telling the truth about everything but she wasn't sure. She thought that maybe if she pulled what she did with Lamar, by recording a conversation with Jax she could actually get evidence of it. She hadn't told Keyon yet, because she didn't want anything to blow up before there could be any evidence of it. She didn't usually go to Jax's house and she wasn't on his good side so she didn't know how she was going to do it. She was also a little nervous.

Amiyah met up with Lamar because she needed help with this. She didn't wanna get help from him because she didn't want him to do anything that would make him go back to his old ways but she felt like this wouldn't really harm anything.

"So what's up?", Lamar asked.

"Okay. So I'm going to ask you something and you don't have to do it if you don't want to", Amiyah said.

"..okay?", he said.

"I kinda wanna know somebody's routine ya know, so I can coincidentally pop up somewhere that they are or me and you can follow them and you I just coincidentally bump into them", Amiyah said.

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