Chapter 8

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The next morning, Amiyah woke up and Dominic was still asleep. She wasn't that upset about last night but she was a little concerned about his whole situation in general.

Amiyah got Kaden situated for once he woke up crying and she then she went downstairs to fix her something for breakfast.

As she cooked and was half way done, Dominic came into the kitchen.

"Oooh, it smells good in here", he said.

"Want some? I'm cooking bacon and eggs", she said.

"You got cereal?", he asked.

"Not that nasty ass captain crunch you like", she replied.

"That's the best cereal. What you mean?

"Um no. But I do have Frosted Flakes", she said.

"I'll take that", Dominic replied as he walked past her to get the cereal.

Amiyah's phone be began to ring and Dominic looked at it because it was in front of him.

"Who is Keyon?", Dominic asked.

Amiyah looked at her phone and picked it up. "My brother. Remember?", she asked.

"Oh yea", Dominic said.

Amiyah answered the phone. "Hello?", Amiyah said.

Dominic started fixing his cereal.

"Good morning", Keyon said.

"Good morning, is everything okay?", Amiyah asked.

"Nah not really. I mean...I know you and mom aren't on the same page of things but I think that what I'm about to tell you is something you should know", Keyon said. "Something she has been wanting to tell you since she last saw you but thought that you hated her and wanted nothing to do with her"

"...I don't hate her. She just...betrayed me", Amiyah said. "But what's wrong?"

"Her health isn't the best. She was diagnosed with this disease and it's incurable", Keyon said.

"Oh my gosh. She isn't- she isn't going to pass away from this is she?", Amiyah asked.

"...she is. She only has a year or so left...well as the doctors said", Keyon said. "She told me not to tell you but...I think you should know"

Amiyah looked down. All this time she had been ignoring her mom, but in reality all her mom wanted to do was spend the rest of her time left on Earth with Amiyah.

"...Is she busy today?", Amiyah asked.

"She's working right now. I don't think she gets off until like 1", Keyon replied.

" wanna text me her number?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea. Sure", Keyon said.

"Thank you. I'm cooking right now, let me call you later", Amiyah said.

"I'm at work anyways so alright", Keyon said.



Amiyah hung up.

"What happened?", Dominic asked.

Amiyah was quiet.

Dominic just looked at her, waiting for a response.

"I'm going to see my mom today", Amiyah said. "Keyon didn't give me all the details but she's going to die"

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