Chapter 10

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The next morning after Amiyah and Dominic woke up. Amiyah changed and feed Kaden. Dominic cooked breakfast him and her breakfast and they were currently eating.

"So, how was it with your mom yesterday?", Dominic asked.

"Some what better than I thought. Turns out she's not dying, Keyon was lying. I also found the reason why she was never there", Amiyah said.

"Why?", Dominic asked.

"Because of her husband", Amiyah said. "He's...bad"

"What do you mean?", Dominic asked.

"She said that she was afraid of him doing something to me", Amiyah said. "Like...sexually"

Dominic made a face. "You believe that?", he asked.

"Yea. I mean like when he got there, I was so uncomfortable when he answered the door", she said.

"I don't think you should go over there anymore then. Like you need to meet your here or somewhere else", Dominic said.

"Thank you for your concern but he's not going to do anything to me", Amiyah said. "I can handle myself"

"So why is she with him?", Dominic asked.

"I don't know. She couldn't explain. Look I don't wanna talk about me and my problems. Let's talk about you", Amiyah said. "Heard from that girl again?"

"Nah. I blocked her", Dominic said.

"Wow", Amiyah said.

"It's not my kid. I promise you it isn't", Dominic said.

"How did you guys even meet?", Amiyah asked. "Like was she a open night stand?"

"Nah. She was somebody I was messing with on and off. We met at a party", Dominic said.

"Off and on you say??", Amiyah asked. "Enough times for there to be a chance of you having a child with her"

"No. Because I use protection", Dominic said.

"Every time?", Amiyah asked.

"Every single time. Even with you", Dominic said.

Amiyah nods. "Okay", she said.

"I just feel like people wanna just bring me down every chance they get", Dominic said.

Amiyah smiled as she shook her head.

"But...that girl isn't who I wanna talk about. I wanna talk about you and Lamar", he said.

"What do you mean?", Amiyah asked as she looked confused.

"...I just wanna know, do you have feelings for him?", he asked.

"What? Why do you think that?", Amiyah asked.

"I don't's just sometimes I see the way you talk to him and the way you look at him. I don't know. Maybe it's just me getting a little jealous. You know how I get", Dominic said.

"Listen, I love you Dominic and I wanna be with you and nothing or nobody else is going to change that", Amiyah said.

"I love you too baby but that didn't answer my question", Dominic said.

"Well...the answer to your question is no", Amiyah said.

Dominic looked at his plate. "Okay", he said.

"...I don't think that I look at Lamar any type of way", Amiyah said. "Or talk to him in any type of way over versus anyone else"

Dominic looked at Amiyah. "I'm just overthinking it", he said.

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