Chapter 20

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Once Amiyah got home, she put the money that CJ gave her up. She didn't wanna put it in her bank account. She didn't wanna spend it. She kept it for emergencies or if she decided to give the money back to him.

Tonight, Kaden was with Lamar and it was going to be like that for the rest of the week.

She decided to use this time to relax and unwind. She did her skin care routine and while she had her mask on, she decided to get in the a nice warm bubble bath. She thought about Kaden and what he doing. She also thought about Dominic, wondering if he was okay because he didn't answer her phone calls. She only called him twice and that was three days ago. She also thought about what had been going on with her and CJ, which let her to think about Bianca. This was something that she would've told Bianca and maybe Bianca would've talk some sense into her and Dominic. But she can't, because she isn't here.

After her bath, she rinsed her mask off and applied some moisturizer to her face and body. Then she got dressed for bed.

Before she got into bed, her phone rang. It was Keyon, her brother. It had been a minute since she heard from him.

"Hello?", Amiyah said.

"Hey, sis. Long time no see", he said.

"I know. Things have really be hectic", she said. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, how about you?", Keyon asked.

"Eh, I'm making it", she replied.

" I heard you represented CJ for his case", Keyon said.

"Yea. I kinda had no choice", Amiyah said. "My boss assigned me to him"

"Do you know how long it's been of us trying to take him down?", Keyon asked.

"I'm just doing my job", Amiyah said.

"What happened to putting the bad guys away?", Keyon asked.

"I guess I should've been an officer instead...besides he isn't all that bad", Amiyah said.

"Do you know what he's done?", Keyon asked.

"I've seen the accusations", Amiyah said.

"No. Not accusations. The real, truth", Keyon said.

"Listen, like I said before I was just doing my job. Something I need in order to raise my son, so please stop", Amiyah said. "If this is what you called me for then hang up"

"That's crazy", Keyon said.

"What's crazy is that the only time I'm hearing from you is because of some case", Amiyah said.

"I ain't hear from you either. Communication goes both ways", Keyon said.

"At least if I decided to call you, it's not because I'm harassing you", Amiyah said. "I was doing my job and you know it. You know how many people out here roaming free that's bad that I had to keep out of jail? You ain't worried about them, so what's different?"

"CJ killed my brother", Keyon said.

Amiyah got quiet. She remembered her mom saying that Dominic and Marcus were good friends. She also remembered Dominic saying that him and CJ weren't close.

"Our brother", Keyon said. "He said he didn't but I know he did"

"...did you come to him as a brother or as an officer?", Amiyah asked.

"A brother. Before I was even an officer or thought about becoming one", Keyon said.

"...I don't mean any harm but he seems like a straight forward guy. I think he would've told you the truth", Amiyah said.

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