Chapter 12

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The next morning and Amiyah and Dominic were getting ready for work.

Dominic would looked at Amiyah every now and then. He could tell something was on your mind.

Dominic was straighten his tied in the mirror as he spoke. "I don't know what happened, but I know you Amiyah. I know something is wrong with you and I don't mind being patient until you tell me, but you were the one talking about keeping secrets in this relationship and right now, that's what you're doing", he said without looking at her.

Amiyah didn't say anything, she just continued getting dressed.

Dominic got done getting dressed and walked to amiyah and gave her a kiss.

"Lock up when you leave", Dominic said.

"..okay", she replied.

Dominic walked out the house and got into his car. That's when he called Lamar. Amiyah gave Dominic Lamar's number in case of emergencies if Kaden was ever with Dominic.

"Hello?", Lamar answered.

"What's up? This is Dominic", Dominic said.

"I know. Amiyah gave me your number. What's up? Everything okay?", Lamar asked.

"Nah. I just don't understand how after she comes from your house, something is up with. You wanna explain that shit?", Dominic asked.

"Maybe she realized that narcissistic ass nigga she with", Lamar said. "Listen, if you think I did something to her, I didn't. So get off my phone"

"All I'm saying is the shit happened after she left your house. So if I find out you did something to her, I'm beating your ass", Dominic said.

Lamar chuckles. "You sure about that?", Lamar asked.

"I did it before, I'll do it again", Dominic said.

"Mm...okay. Have a nice day", Lamar said.

"Fuck you", Dominic said.

"Just a word of advice. If something isn't going right in your relationship, don't put the blame on another doesn't look good. I mean maybe it's just you, ya know", Lamar said.

Dominic hung up the phone and continued driving.

Once Dominic got to work and into his office, a young female with a dark complexion was sitting at his desk.

Dominic sighed as he put his brief case down.

"Oh, so you are alive", she said.

"Meagan? What?", Dominic asked.

Meagan got out his chair and walked in front of his desk. "We have a project to get done so we can make these people happy, but instead you've been fooling around with one of your hoes and not focusing on work. I'm trying to keep my job, I don't know about you"

"My girlfriend answered the phone last night. Not a hoe", Dominic said. "And second, I already did the work"

"What?", Meagan asked.

"You're welcome", Dominic said.

"No. You're not about to take the credit for it", Meagan said.

"Your name is on the presentation", Dominic said. "As far as they are concerned, we both worked on this"

"Why didn't you just wait for me?", Meagan asked.

"Because I honestly don't want be around you. I did it by myself, so what?", Dominic asked.

"So what? You know what Dominic, never mind", Meagan said.

Dominic made a face.

"I hate you", Meagan said.

"And I don't care", Dominic said.

Meagan stormed out of his office.

Dominic sighed then he walked to his desk and sat down. He was just thinking about Amiyah and what her problem was, or if he was the problem like Lamar said.

Dominic stopped the thinking about his relationship with Amiyah and started working.


After work, Amiyah called her mom up and she met her at a restaurant.

"I was surprised to get a call from you", her mom said with a smile.

"Yea, well you're the only person I guess I can talk to about this", Amiyah said.

Her mom made a face because Amiyah didn't seem so happy. "What's wrong?", her mom asked as she put her menu down.

Amiyah sighed. " you remember the guy I brought to my aunts house?", Amiyah asked. "Lamar?"

"Mr. handsome? Of course", her mom said.

"Well...somethings happened and we broke I'm dating this other guy that I've known from years and who I've wanted for years but sometimes I can't help but think that I have these feelings for Lamar and I don't wanna hurt anyone if I do something stupid or say something that I'll regret"

"Well why did you break up with Lamar?", her mom asked.

"Long story", Amiyah replied.

"Well how about this, did you break up with Lamar for this other guy?", her mom asked.

"No. Dominic and I just happened after Lamar and I broke up...a few months later", Amiyah said.

"Hmm, Julian had a friend named Dominic", her mom said. "He was nice young boy"

"Who is Julian?", Amiyah asked.

"...your brother. He passed away", her mom said as she looked down.

Amiyah looked down because she knew a guy who hung up with Dominic named Julian and he got murdered. She remembered Dominic being so upset about it when it happened.

Amiyah pulled out her phone and showed her mom a picture of Dominic.

"Him?", Amiyah asked.

"Yes. You're dating him?", her mom said. "I definitely approve"

Amiyah shook her head.

"I guess not that it matters if I do or not, right", her mom said.

"...I just don't know what to do", Amiyah said.

"Well first of all, I can see why you became attracted to Lamar. He favors Dominic when it comes to looks", her mom said. "You said you liked Dominic for years and maybe when you met Lamar, he was the Dominic you never got"

"You think they look alike too?", Amiyah asked.

"A little", her mom said.

Amiyah looks down.

"So if you're having feelings for the both of them. I would say that you should be single for a while before you and Dominic get too deep in the relationship. Just in case", her mom said. "You don't want anyone to get hurt right?"

"Right, but I don't wanna leave Dominic either", Amiyah said.

"'s things in life that you're not going to want to do but things that you have to do. Trust me. I'm somebody who knows that. At the end of the day, your grown and after this you're going to do as you choose but just think about it. If Dominic was in love with two girls and he suddenly goes back to the other girl after you guys have been together for a year or more, who would you feel?", her mom asked.

"Like a year or more wasted", Amiyah said. "You're right. Thank you for the advice"

"Anytime", her mom said. "I just wish this is something I could've done a long time ago"

Amiyah smiles a little as she looks at the menu.


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