Chapter 19

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When Wednesday came, CJ had his court hearing. He was pleaded not guilty, therefore he didn't have to go to jail.

"As I stated before, I'd give you a little extra on the side, so come back my crib", CJ said.

"You couldn't have just brought it with you?", Amiyah asked.

"Nah. Somebody might fuck around and rob me", he said.

"Oh true", she said. "Just come by my house. You already got my address"

"I'd have to look for it in your file so just text it to me", Amiyah said.

"Alright", CJ said.

"Alright", Amiyah said before walking to her car.

When they got to his house, Amiyah went in. One of the guys that work for CJ went to go get the money so they waited for him to get back.

"This place is pretty nice", Amiyah said.

"Thanks", he said. "You want a drink? I don't have henny this time"

Amiyah chuckled. "No im fine. I have to drive so yea", she said.

"True", he said as he poured himself a drink. "You good?"

"Yea", Amiyah said with a fake smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know...just that Saturday you seem a little happier and now you're back to...I don't know the girl that I met", he said.

"It's nothing", she said as she looked around.

CJ drank from of drink.

"What we I don't normally do things like that and I don't know. I guess I was just stressed out and my thoughts were everywhere and...I wanted something to help", Amiyah said.

"Did it?", he asked.

"...for that moment, yes", she said softly.

CJ licked his lips. "Maybe you need another dose", CJ said.

"I don't know, CJ. I don't know if I should be doing this", she said. "Sleeping around with you when I barely know you"

Even though she really wanted to. Especially after her argument with Dominic. She really wanted to let some of her anger out. She thought why not do it with somebody who won't catch feelings in the process.

CJ nods. "Alright. The choice is yours", he said. "But I'm cool with whatever"

CJ drank some more of his alcohol.

"You know that's really bad on your liver", Amiyah said. "You shouldn't drink all the time"

"It's a lot of shit I do that I shouldn't. But at this point, whatever happens, happens", CJ said.

"Don't say that", she said.

"Right", he said as he sat down. "You know you can sit down"

"I know. I'm fine standing for now", Amiyah replied as she looked around. She acted like she was just observing the house but really she was thinking about whether or not she wanted to have sex with him again.

CJ sat back and looked at her as he drank more from his cup. He looked at her body but more so her face but she didn't notice.

Amiyah finally sat down. "Where did the guy even go?", Amiyah asked. "Across town?"

"Yea. That's where I keep my money", he said.

"Oh", she replied.

It was silence between them for a couple of minutes.

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