Just for a Moment

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Before you start to read, I just want to say that you guys are awesome! I can't believe it, I started this book a month ago, kinda as a joke, not expecting anyone to actually read this. But here we are, we are at 17k! Okay, now that that's over, enjoy this chapter!


"So tell me, who are you?"

I decided to not respond, my eyes were glued to my feet.

"I asked you a question, ANSWER. And do not lie, I will know if you are lying."

"Ellie." I whispered

"Ellie? Is that your full name, no last name?"

"Elizabeth Hoss," I spoke a little bit louder this time.

"Ah another Hoss, now I have a matching set of twins. Lucius! Bring the boy over."

Mr. Malfoy stepped forward holding onto Ricky by the collar of his shirt. He was limp, but he was breathing. He had deep gashes on his body, I'm guessing it's from Greyback.

"What did you do to him?"  I screamed, I wanted to cry but I couldn't show weakness.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that. He's a traitor, but unlike you, he isn't going to die."

I knew if I came with Harry I wouldn't make it back to Hogwarts alive. I just had to see that Ricky was still alive with my own eyes.

"But first, you can watch Potter die. Nothing better than torturing someone by killing their closest friend, though it is obvious Harry sees you as more than a friend. But you two will have plenty of time to figure that out in the afterlife."

Voldemort and Harry both raised their wands at each other.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry didn't even try to fight back, he didn't even cast a counterspell.

"No! Harry!"

I ran over to where Harry was laying on the ground. He really was dead.

"You foul beast! I hope you rot in he—"

"Crucio" He said so casually.

That familiar feeling hit me, but this time it was ten times worse. It felt like it was tearing apart my skin.

I collapsed next to Harry on the ground, only I was still alive.

"You will die a death far worse than Potter, Crucio. Or you can stop this and join the winning side, we will show you the dark ways and rewire your brain so you are just like me."

"I'd rather take death than join you." This whole situation felt very familiar.

He hit me with the curse again, this time I started to fade in and out of consciousness.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Everything was black.

Malfoy; My Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now