Blood Traitor

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No way, the people that I had tried to escape from were going to be at Hogwarts, ALL YEAR. And I thought nothing worse could happen after Ellie was sorted into Gryffindor. That must have been wrong, she is not a Gryffindor. And anyways there is no way she could be sorted into a different house than the one I was sorted into. It's a load of bullshit. It must have been a joke, a really messed up joke!

I kept waiting for someone to pop up and say that she was actually in Slytherin. But no one did. She looked over at me with a wide smile on her face, I tried to smile back. But based on her face after looking at me, I must have been unsuccessful at smiling.

And to add onto that, all of the girls from Hogwarts were pinning over the Durmstrang boys. Especially Viktor Krum. Which I didn't get, yeah I get that he was an awesome quidditch player but he wasn't even that decent looking. Anyways, he's a total arse, the second anyone would talk to him they could figure that out.



After Dumbledore excused the Beauxbaton girls and the Durmstrang boys, we were finally allowed to go back to our common rooms.

Hermione led me to the Gryffindor Common Room, it was warm and welcoming.

"Hey I hope you do not mind, but I am utterly exhausted. I am going to head up to our room if you want to follow me."

Our room? Our room! I forgot that I got to room with Hermione and Ron's younger sister, Ginny. She had the same firey hair, and the same smile as her brother.

Ellie follows Hermione up to their room, they meet Ginny up there. Eventually the three girls fell asleep.

In the morning, I was woken up by the sun glaring through the curtains right on to my face. I slowly woke up to see that Hermione was gone, but Ginny was still passed out in her bed. I gathered my clothes for the day and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day that was to come.

Walking down the stairs, I saw the ginger boy sitting on the couch.

"Good morning Ron," I said trying to announce that I was in the room so I would not scare him.

Ron greeted me with a warm smile and he asked if I wanted to walk with him to the Great Hall to get breakfast. Hearing my stomach rumble, I agreed.

Ron and I walked up to the big door that was wide open, leading us to the Great Hall. Food was scattered along the tables, there was not as much food as there was last night. We sat down at the Gryffindor table, Ron grabbed eggs, some yogurt and granola, and a bagel, but I only grabbed some toast, and put some butter over the top of it.

I glanced up from the table to see that Ricky was walking in with Draco and Pansy. The two lovebirds were holding hands, while Ricky awkwardly walked next to them. Ricky met my eyes, giving me a slight smile and a nod, but I was not going to accept just that. I stood up from the table, leaving Ron with Neville, and I walked over to Ricky. Well I don't know if it really was a walk, it had a bit of a run in it too.

I held my arms out and rushed to him. Pansy gave me a disgusting look. I whispered in to Ricky, "I am so sorry that we weren't sorted into the same house, I feel like it is all my fault and that I have let you down. Merlins, what should I tell mother?"

"Ellie, it is okay. You and I both know you fit in a lot better in Gryffindor and I fit in better in Slytherin."

Squeezing Ricky tighter, I finally released. Just as I was walking away from the group of three, Pansy said something.

"Got dammit Ricky, you really would associate yourself with a blood traitor. She truly is a disgrace to the Hoss family name. Next time you plan on talking to that filthy blood traitor give me a warning so I can go vomit instead of being seen with her."

That was the last straw.

I slowly turned around and looked Pansy dead in the eyes. As I walked closer to her, Draco pushed me away.

"You know she's right Elizabeth, you are just a pathetic blood traitor. At least your father won't have to see you turn into the family disgrace."

I no longer was mad at Pansy, I was mad with Draco Malfoy. He had called me a blood traitor, and even brought up my father who was living at his manor.

I could not control myself anymore, I curled my fingers up to the palm of my hand making a fist. In one continuous motion, I grabbed Draco's shirt and caused my fits to make contact with his cheek. The world was moving in slow motion as I did this. Once initial contact was made, I felt tears rolling down my face and I pounded his chest. The Weasley twins came rushing over, pulling me off Malfoy and holding me back. They each wrapped their arms around me, Ron came over in a sprint. The twins let go of me, and Ron came and pulled me into a hug. Tears were still pouring down my face. I was angry with Malfoy, but also heart broken. He had called me Elizabeth, he knew that nothing made me angrier than being called that.

Ricky never came over to me after this occurred, he just walked away with Draco and Pansy. I looked up and him, hoping to at least see him look back to make sure I was okay. But he never did. He never looked back at me.

At this moment I knew that he was meant for Slytherin.


Funny enough I didn't actually plan on writing this portion, it just kinda happened as I was writing it.
But shit's about to go down with Draco and Ellie.
Hope you enjoyed this part! If you don't follow my tiktok, pls follow it @eliza.birken


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