The Hoss Twins

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There is inappropriate language and scenes in it. Read at your own risk.
But I hope you enjoy!!
- E.B.


I watched as father said his final goodbyes to Ricky. Mother was nowhere to be found, understandably. After he said goodbye to Ricky, he quickly glanced over at me. Looking into my eyes he said,

I always had great hope for who you might have become. Do not fear what is to come, The Dark Lord will rise again, and he has big plans for you and your brother. Do not deny the gifts that he will present to you, eventually we will meet again Elizabeth.

Chills crawled down my back, how could he do this. Mother gave him an ultimatum, either dark or light. The choice should have been simple, right? But he chose He Who Shall Not Be Named and the mysterious woman he had began to see instead of his own flesh and blood.

A pale woman walked beside father and he gave her a kiss on the cheek, he had introduced us to her 2 years prior to this. She was supposed to help separate him from He Who Shall Not Be Named, but instead she led him closer to the darkness that had already taken over him.

In a monotone voice the woman said,
Not to cut what might have been a touching moment, but John and I must be on our way. The Malfoys are expecting us.

The fucking Malfoys. Of course they were behind this.

Father gave Ricky and I a small nod before wrapping one arm around the woman and walking away to the car that had been waiting for them.

Though Ricky was supposed to be the more manly, intelligent, and emotionless one out of the two of us, I seemed to have the intelligence and emotionless genes. Not that he did not have any of those qualities, I was the one who plays quidditch, knew the answer to the question before you could ask it, and definitely had the part of the cold hearted bitch down. Ricky was always the kind one out of the two of us, it almost was like he had both of our hearts in one.

He never truly understood what had happened with father. Though neither did I, he always tried to give father the benefit of the doubt. But I saw right through father, he made grand promises to fix all the mistakes he had made when we were little, I knew he never could change.

Once the coast was clear, mother emerged from her room. I could tell that she had previously been crying, although she tried to hide it with makeup, she did a bad job of it.

Richard, Elizabeth, up to your rooms you go. Tomorrow we are going to Diagon Ally to get your school supplies. You must be prepared for your first year at Hogwarts. I remember mine, in fact that's where i met your fa...

She stopped speaking and at this moment we knew not to disobey our orders. We quickly walked upstairs into our separate rooms.

I closed my door and felt a sigh of relief slip out of my mouth, but also a feeling of regret. Not only would this be our first year at Hogwarts, but it was also going to be the first year without father. This year I am transfering to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons, and Ricky would be coming from Durmstrang. He really did not fit in at that school, it was filled with a bunch of guys who were more similar to me rather than Ricky. Though, I did enjoy those summers when his Durmstrang friends came to visit, god they were hot. We will both be entering our fourth year.

I was excited for the change, but I did not want to leave my mother.

I could tell she was nervous, but at the same time excited for us to be able to go to a different school than she did. Mother went to Beauxbatons, but father went to Hogwarts. He was in Slytherin, not shocking, most Slytherins turn evil and join He Who Shall Not Be Named like he had done. I have been hoping to be sorted to Gryffindor, but I could settle for Ravenclaw, but I did NOT want to be in Slytherin. It would just fuel father's already massive ego, and give him the wrong impression that I had wanted to join him and his little gang of Death Eaters.



After parting ways with Ellie, I closed my door and opened my window. I was expecting an Owl from Draco, the only son of The Malfoys. Ellie hated him and everything his family stood for, but Draco was my best friend. Well he was technically my only other friend, unless you count Ellie.

I am not sure if Ellie knew Draco was my best friend, if she did she sure as hell did not ever tell me. But I guess that was understandable, I was the one who always confided in her, she never really talked to me about what she was feeling, or what was going on in her head. She always listened to me.

Before I drifted too far into my thoughts I heard a beak pecking at my window trying to get my attention. In the owl's talons was a scroll.

Dear Ricky,
Hey Hoss, what's up? I'm excited for you to be coming to Hogwarts this year. If you don't get sorted into Slytherin I'm not going to be seen with you. Just kidding! I'll see you in a few days. And tell L I say hi and tell your mother I say hello and hope that all is well.

Draco Malfoy

From that short letter, I learned 3 things:
1. that my father was staying at the Malfoy Manor, because otherwise he would have told me to tell my father hello.
2. he was not joking about the slytherin thing
3. he still had a crush on my sister

It was obvious about the first two, even if someone who did not know Malfoy could figure those two out. But the final thing was something only I could figure out. Malfoy had the hots for my sister about two years ago, and at that same time he switched from calling her Elizabeth to calling her L. Honestly, I think at that time Ellie liked him too, because if she had not, there would be no way she would let him call her L. But all of her feelings changed once Malfoy's parents ruined her life.

This year would be an interesting year for the Hoss twins.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the introduction to my new story, "Malfoy; My Brother's Best Friend"!
If you have any things you would like to be included just lmk and I will do my best to try to include it!

A few questions for you guys...
1. what house are you? im in slytherin
2. Who is your favorite male and female character? Mine would be Ginny or Luna and Draco, but I also love Ron!

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