Not An Average Day

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It had been 3 years since the war, and over 1 year since I got my memory back. Everything finally felt normal and I knew today would be the happiest day of my life.

Hermione came into the room.

"Merlins Ellie, you look absolutely stunning." Ginny's jaw dropped once she saw me.

"I am so ready, I am just a little sad my dad can't give me away. Growing up he always talked about how whoever we decided to marry has to get my dad's approval first. But he couldn't do that." I started to tear up a little bit.

"Ellie, don't cry. If your dad was here I know that he would be so proud of you, one of the top healers in the world, and about to marry a man who would die for you. I know your dad is looking down on you, he is seeing how happy you are, and how beautiful you look right now." Ginny and Hermione pulled me into a hug.

I had on the dress of my dreams, it was a white dress with lots of lace over it. It was not a traditional or normal wedding dress, but my life was not normal so I thought it was fitting.


Draco and I walked hand in hand through Hogwarts, I wasn't sure what we were doing here but I went along with it.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy and Miss Hoss, how are you feeling Elizabeth?" Professor McGonagall, the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, asked us.

"Much better, I am glad to be back to normal."

"I am glad that you are okay. I'll let you two be on your way then."

And with that, she walked away.

Draco and I continued to walk through Hogwarts, eventually we came upon the Astronomy Tower. It was our favorite place, it was quiet.

"After you." Draco said, genturing me forward.

I walked up the spiral staircase until I reached the top. Once we were at the top, we looked out onto the horizon, for such a beautiful place and view, so many bad things happened. The sun was beginning to set, changing the sky from blue to an orange and pink color. I always loved watching the sunset from here while I was a student.

I felt Draco leave my side.

When I turned around to see where he had gone, I saw him standing in the middle of a circle of candles with a small path line with candles leading from the circle to me.

"What is going on?"

"Elizabeth Hoss, I never believed that anyone could or would love me until you. From the first time we kissed to know, I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. There were so many times that I tried to convince myself that I didn't feel this way about you, but no matter what I knew the truth. And for so long I didn't know what it was I was feeling, my heart skips a beat when I see you, I can't help but smile when I am around you, and when we aren't together I miss you. But eventually, I figured out what it is. It is love. I had never know what it was truly liked to love someone, especially what it feels for someone to love me. But you showed me what it was like. Elizabeth, Ellie, L, I love you with all of my heart."

Draco began to pull a small box out of his pocket and get down on one knee.

"Elizabeth Rose Hoss, will you mar—"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

He got up from his knee and kissed me deeply, but it didn't last too long. He pulled away and placed a beautiful ring on my finger.

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