It was almost Christmas and I was at the Burrow. I hadn't heard from my biological mother in over a year. Because of this Mr and Mrs Weasley had suggested that they become my legal guardian.
The day after they offered it we went to the muggle courthouse and my mother was summoned as well. It was my first time seeing her in so long. My mother gave up her guardianship over me and the judge granted the Weasleys guardianship. After it was done, the Weasleys gave me a few minutes with my mother.
"Elizabeth, I am sorry that I have failed as a mother. I should have helped you see the truth, and the truth is that only the Dark Lord can save us. He gave Ricky and I another chance, he never does that. And now that you have obviously chosen your side, you are against us. And you have failed the good Hoss name, you are no longer my daughter, you are just another person against me."
She walked out of the room and I began to cry. Mr and Mrs Weasley walked in and embraced me in a hug, the three of us walked out of the courthouse to the car and went back to the Burrow.
Once I got back, I immediately went up to the bathroom and locked myself in, crying.
After an hour of crying I left the bathroom and went to Ginny's room, which I was staying in. I sat down and began to write a letter, to Draco and Ricky, since I knew they were together
In the letter I informed them of what happened.
Once I finished writing the letter, I took out my owl and informed her where to go, the Malfoy Manor.
I walked down the stairs and Ginny ran to me giving me the biggest hug.
Although I was sad for a few days, Christmas came and I had been able to get over what my mother said to me. I had the best Christmas, and now I was with my actual family, both legally and emotionally. I was a part of the Weasley family.
For Christmas Mrs Weasley and I made breakfast and dinner, whenever I was over I always helped her cook, though most of the cooking used magic. I enjoyed doing it with her and we always had a great conversation.
Then after dinner all of the kids exchanged gifts, and enjoyed each others company.
That night, an owl I didn't recognize knocked on my window, I opened it and the owl dropped a few letters in my hand.
One was from Draco, another from Ricky, and the last one was from my father.
I set Draco and Ricky's letters aside to read what my father sent.
Dear Elizabeth,It was unfortunate to hear about your mother signing away her guardianship, as you know I gave mine away when your mother and I first divorced. I hope that all is well, I know that the Weasleys do not have much money, if you ever need any just let me know and I will give you some. I hope you have a Happy Christmas, although it may not seem like it I do love you and am proud to have you as my daughter. You are a strong, confident, and smart woman. Please tell Harry that he is our only hope and he must defeat Voldemort. And I know you will be right there fighting with him, stay safe.
I love you so very much,
Your father.

Malfoy; My Brother's Best Friend
FanfictionEllie Hoss and her twin brother, Ricky Hoss, transfer to Hogwarts before their fourth year of school. The Hoss and Malfoy families have been friends for a while, Ellie has always despised the Malfoy family, especially Draco. But Ricky and Draco Malf...