The Goblet of Fire

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I saw the way the Draco was looking at Ellie. He showed an emotion that I had never really seen from him, he was sad.

Draco was trying to hide his emotions and said a snarky comment as usual, "Hoss, first your sister goes and ruins your family name by associating herself with that little mudblood, and now she's dating Krum. I expected better from her."

"You know Malfoy, she looks happy. And stop taking shit about my sister just because you are mad that she continues to reject you."

The room fell silent, I had not realized that I had screamed that at Malfoy. Everyone had moved their eyes from Ellie and Krum over to me. She and I made eye contact, then she looked at Malfoy. His jaw was dropped, even I couldn't believe I had just said that.

Lucky for me, Dumbledore broke the silence. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come for the three winners to be chosen. One person from each school will be selected to compete in the competition, if you have placed your name in the Goblet of Fire, you have the chance of being selected."

I saw Krum and Ellie make eye contact, she whispered something in his ear and he smiled. I knew Draco was staring at the two of them as well.

"From Beauxbatons," The goblet spit out a piece of paper. "Fleur Delacour! From Durmstrang, Viktor Krum!"

Viktor stood up from his place next to Ellie, kissed her on the cheek and then went on his way.

"From Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory! Congratulations to all of our champions—" just as Dumbledore was about to finish his sentence, the Goblet of Fire turned red again and shot up one more piece of paper. "Harry Potter? HARRY POTTER!" he yelled out.

The room filled with whispers, how did Potter do that? Not even the Weasley twins could get their name into it.



Did he just say Harry Potter? How? What? Why? Harry was too young to compete in it!

Harry got up from his seat and Hermione, Ron, and my jaws all dropped.

"He's my bloody bestfriend," Ron whispered, "How could he not tell me he was able to get his name in it. It's just insulting."

"Ron don't be so shallow, only an idiot would place their name in the goblet. I bet Harry has an explanation."

Ron looked at Hermione and got up from the table and walked out of the Great Hall mumbling something.

After dinner, Hermione and Ellie walked back to the common room to study and get ready for bed.

"Ginny, we didn't see you at dinner. Did you hear what happened with Harry?" Hermione asked Ginny.

Ginny began to blush at the thought of Harry, we all knew she had the biggest crush on him and that he had a crush on her as well. But neither would admit their feelings towards one another. She nodded.

"I can not believe Harry was picked. And that this year there were four champions instead of three." Ginny sighed.

"Harry told us that he did not put his name in the goblet, Ron doesn't believe him but Hermine and I do. Ron is being a real dick about it, he's mad at Harry for not telling him how he was able to do it." I told her.

Ginny got a worried look on her face, "What if something happens to Harry?"

Hermione and I reassured her that nothing bad would happen to him. But I do not think that either of us believed what we were actually saying. We both knew that something bad would happen.

Trying to make the subject a little brighter, Hermione budded in, "I heard that along with the Triwizard Tournament, there would be a ball."

"A ball?" I questioned.

"Sounds exciting," Ginny tried to say without us hearing the crack in her voice.

"I have an idea of who will be asking Ellie." Hermione smiled at me.

"Are you talking about Viktor Krum? I barely even know him." I said with a little bit of anger in my voice.

"From what I've heard you and Krum are quite close. Maybe not emotionally but I heard he kissed you,"

"Merlin's Ginny, how fast did that spread? Anyways, for your information, he didn't kiss me on the lips. He just kissed my hand and my cheek."

The three of us continued on about Krum, I told them about what happened with Draco and how Viktor had come up to us. I finished off the story with him finding me before he was chosen for the tournament.

We all were able to laugh, we had stopped worrying about Potter for just one moment and we were able to forget and enjoy ourselves for a while.

Ginny began to yawn, causing Hermione and me to yawn also. None of us wanted to stop talking to each other. We were enjoying each other's company, we all knew we were tired but that did not stop us. Eventually, we all fell asleep on the floor. No idea what time it was when we finally fell asleep, all I know is that I actually woke up in my bed.


We are officially into the tournament! Im excited! I hope you guys are too!

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