Malfoy Manor

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Okay before you guys read this chapter I just wanted to say thank you so much for 1K reads, it is almost at 2k. When I first started this I figured that no one would read it, but when I woke up this morning and saw it was at 1k reads it made me so happy that other people are enjoy my writing. Love you guys so much!


"Hermione, Ellie, I found something that might interest you."

I woke up to the sound of Harry yelling. The sun was not out yet so I assumed it was pretty early.

"Mione," She was still asleep. "Mione!"

"What?!? I am up! What happened?!?" She woke up suddenly.

"Sorry, nothing happened, or so I think, Harry just called for us."

The two of us got up from our cots, put on a sweatshirt, and began to walk out of the tent.

Just as we were walking out of the tent, I saw a familiar redhead standing next to Harry.

"Hi Hermione."

"You ass! You left us, we weren't sure if you were alive or dead, and you come back and the first words you say are 'Hi Hermione'. You gotta be kidding me."

Hermione was quite angry with Ron, but she simmered down once she saw Ron holding the Horcrux.

"Ronald, what are you doing with that?"

"Well for your information, Harry and I destroyed it."

"Ron did most of the work, he pulled me out from the lake and he—"

"Why were you in the lake?"

"Long story, I'll explain after we get some warm clothes on."

Once we got into the tent, Ron and Harry explained everything that had happened. Ron told us about how once he left, he tried to go back to where we were but that we were gone. He explained how he found us and the blue orb that led him back to us.

I could feel Hermione smiling when he told us that he heard her voice and that that orb when through his heart. I know if I were in her place that I would be smiling as well.

After Ron explained how he found us, Harry told us why he was in the lake. And how Ron pulled him out and the two of them destroyed the locket.

"Okay, so one more Horcrux down. Now how do we find the next one? We have no idea where to look next." I pointed out that we have no real leads on where the next one is.

"Well, actually I have an idea." Hermione said. "I was thinking about something, in both Ellie and my books there was a symbol. I've seen it two other places, on a grave in Godric's Hollow, and Mr. Lovegood had a necklace with the same symbol on it."

"Okay, so we go see Mr. Lovegood?" Harry asked with doubt in his voice.

"It's the only lead we have right now, I think we should pursue it."

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