Another Year

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Hey guys, sorry for the time jump, but now it is 5th year. (Order of the Phoenix)

I walked into the Great Hall, and spotted Hermione at the Gryffindor table. On the train ride over, I didn't really want to talk to anyone. So I sat on my own and read one of the muggle books that I had collected over the summer.

In my house we weren't allowed to read them, but the Weasleys introduced me to them over the summer. Ever since then, I haven't been able to put them down.

"Good Evening students! We are so glad to have you back at Hogwarts with us this year. Now that all of the first years have been sorted, I have some housekeeping to go through with you. I would like for you all to welcome Professor Dolores Umbridge as our new D.A.D.A teacher. Second—" Dumbledore had almost got through his yearly speech before the first feast, but the new teacher interrupted him.

"Thank you Albus, for that wonderful introduction." The pink toad of a woman went on about herself and the changes she was planning on making this year. But honestly I couldn't listen to her squeaky, annoying voice anymore.

Hermione and I had just finished dinner when she asked me something:

"Ellie, want to go to the library with me? I have to pick out a few new books and it'll be the perfect time to catch up on everything."

I agreed to go with her. Anyway, I was wanting to get a new book on potions so I could read a little bit ahead. But, I did not need everyone thinking I was going to become the new Hermione. Though I would be grateful to be ever half as smart as her.

The two of us walked into the library and I followed Hermine through the different sections of books.

"I've been reading a lot more muggle books recently. They are much more interesting than ones written by those of magic."

"I love muggle books, they are filled with so much depth."

The girls giggled as they each grabbed the books they wanted and headed out of the library back to the common room to unpack their stuff and get ready for the first day of classes in their fifth year.

That morning I woke up earlier than usual, Hermine and Ginny were still asleep. As much as I did not want to, I decided to get up and get ready. I put on my robes and gathered all my books I needed for the day.

I headed into the Great Hall. I sat down at the Gryffindor table alone, put down my books and grabbed some toast and yogurt. While I was eating I continued to read my book, this one was named To Kill a Mockingbird.

I had tuned out the rest of the room and focused on my book.

"Hello Ellie, what are you reading?" A strange, unfamiliar voice spoke out.

"Umm, I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?"

"Oh I'm sorry for not properly introducing myself, I am Luna Lovegood."

"Well Luna, I don't feel the need to introduce myself because it seems like you already know me. And to answer your question, it's called To Kill a Mockingbird."

"Oh yes, I've read that. It's a wonderful muggle book, it's a classic."

Luna and I continued to talk, and she told me more about herself and her family. McGonagall was passing out our schedules and Luna and I compared what classes we had.

We had Potions together, but that was it. After Harry, Ron, Hermine, and Ginny came down, we compared all of our schedules.

Ron, Harry, Hermione and I all had D.A.D.A together. I had Transfigurations with Ron, Harry and I had Charms together, and Ginny, Hermione, and I all had Herbology together. I did not have bad classes.

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