Surprise Shawty

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btw I changed some of the endings because I felt that certain people should have ended up together that didn't.

"John! Johnathan, come get breakfast!" I yelled upstairs.

I heard the loud thuds of his footsteps right above me. Then the thuds became even louder as he came down the stairs.

"There he is!" John ran into the kitchen and Draco scooped him up into his arms.

"My two favorite boys," I walked over to the two of them, I kissed John on the forehead and then Draco on the lips. "Are you excited to go over to Uncle Ricky and Aunt Hannah?"

"Yes!" He started bouncing in Draco's arms.

Eventually he jumped down from Draco's arms and sat at the counter where he ate some of his cereal.

John is now around 2 ½, he is the light of my life. Draco and I decided to name him after my father, John has my hair, but he definitely reminds me of Draco when we were younger.

"How are you?" Draco came up to me and put his arm around me.

"Happy," I kissed him again. "We have a family, how are you?"

"You know what, I fall in love with you more and more each day. But I am really good, I have everything I never thought I would have." He looked into my eyes and I could tell there was something he wanted to say.

"Something's bothering you, what is it?"

"Nothing's bothering me, I am just thinking."

"About what?"

"Well, I think John would like being a big brother. It would give him someone to play with."

"I am glad that you think that. I was waiting for the right time to tell you, but I guess I'll tell you now." I got on my toes and whispered in his ear and tapped on my stomach. "Ready for round 2."

"You're, You're pregnant? John is going to have a little sibling!"

"Yes, but also no. Technically the proper term would be siblings, the plural version."

His eyes lit up. "Twins?"

"I had Narcissa do the spell, and she felt two. I think we might need a bigger house."

We were still living in the same house, it is a two bed and three bath house. Now, with two on the way, we need a bit more room.



"Welcome you three, come on in." Hannah greeted Ellie, Draco, and John at the door.

"Where is he?" I said as I came into the entry. "There's my favorite Malfoy! How are you, you little stinker?" He jumped into my arms.

"Uncle Ricky!"

"Are you excited to hang out today? I was thinking maybe we could go to the zoo."

"Really? Can we mum?"

"Of course, but unfortunately dad and I can't come with. We have some work stuff to do."

I shot her a confused look, it was a saturday, that was the one day she was off. But I didn't pry too much, I figured she would tell me about what she was doing later.

"Okay John, why don't we head into the kitchen and give Uncle Ricky and your mum so time to chat." Hannah took John from my arms and walked into the kitchen.

"So what's really going on, I know it's not work."

"Well, we can't say yet. But once I can, I will." She had a smile plastered on her face. I could tell whatever it was, was a good thing.

"Okay, well have fun you two."

I gave Ellie a hug and then they walked out of the house.



"Hi Elizabeth, so you have come in for an ultrasound, is that correct?" Doctor Oni asked me.


She prepared the machine and put a cold jell on my stomach. Doctor Oni had delivered John and she had a daughter of her own. Though Doctor Oni and husband are muggles, they do have a witch daughter, so they know about us.

She rubbed a device on my stomach and a happy look spread across her face.

"I got the image, and I want to congratulate you two. Elizabeth is pregnant with twins!"

I looked up a Draco and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"It is too early to tell the genders, but I think that when you come back next we will know."

Draco and I walked out of the office hand in hand, we appartated to The Malfoy Manor to tell Narcissa the news.

Just as Draco was about to knock on the door, it swung open.

Standing in front of me was my mother.


"That's my name, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had forgotten it." I snapped at her.

"What is she doing here mother?" Draco asked.

Narcissa was about to speak up and answer, but my mother rudely interrupted.

"Now Draco, that is none of your business. Personally I would try to be nice to your mother-in-law, I was disappointed to not get an invite to the wedding. Such a shame, must have gotten lost."

"Actually Laura, although you may be my biological mother, you are not my actual mother. Molly Wealsey is, she is the one that accepted me with open arms and helped me. And as for the wedding invitation, we never sent you one. In fact, we didn't even think about sending you one. Probably because you disowned me as a daughter and we haven't spoken since then." I snipped at her, though it may have been a little too harsh, she deserved it.

"You dare speak to me that way, you little bitch!" She slapped me across the face.

"Laura, get the hell out of my house! Don't you even think about speaking to me or Elizabeth ever again!" Narcissa basically pushed her out of the manor.

Draco took me over to the living room, Narcissa had redecorated the entire house. She replaced the uncomfortable leather sofa with a quite comfortable brown couch. Everything else was replaced as well, the house was a lot brighter and happier in general.

"Ellie, are you okay?" Draco asked while staring deeply into my eye, going back and forth from my eyes and what I assumed was a giant handprint on the side of my face.

"Yeah, just a sting. Nothing too bad,"

"I'm not talking physically, but mentally. I know it was hard seeing Laura."

Before I could answer Draco, Narcissa walked into the living room.

"Elizabeth dearest, how are you? I am so sorry, I didn't know you two were coming. Otherwise I would never have had her over."

"Narcissa, don't worry about it. But why was she here?"

"Well your mother had just heard about your father's passing and she wanted to see how you and Ricky were doing."

It took a second to process it, she had JUST now figured out my father had died. It had been years since his passing and she is just now finding out.

"Mother, we will talk about all of it later." Draco didn't even look at him mum, he kept his eyes on me and had his arm around me. "On a happier note, we have some good news for you."

"It is official, we're having twins." Draco and I said in unison.

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