A week had gone by since they discovered what was happening to her. She had been invaded by some sort of darkness that was trying to take over her body. The nurses told us that there was nothing we could do until one of the two won, and she finally woke up.
They realised what was happening to her, and another week went by, the D.A. had not met again since that day. I was definitely not in the right mindset to be teaching everyone spells.
Three weeks had gone by since the day she passed out, I was sitting with her like I normally did. I heard that reading to people helps them, so I decided to read to her the book that she had been reading for a while, To Kill a Mockingbird.
I was in the middle of the pages, holding her hand, when I noticed her eyes were fluttering. She was starting to wake up!
"Madam Pomfrey, she's waking up!"
She rushed over just as Ellie was starting to open her eyes.
"Ellie, dear, can you hear me?"
Ellie nodded, she really was awake. But was it actually her?
Madam Pomfrey leaned over to me, "Harry, I need you to ask her about an intimate memory that only she would know. We have to make sure that it is her."
"Ellie, remember the day we had our first kiss. What was the song in the background?"
Her quiet voice finally spoke, "Harry, we haven't kissed before. So I wouldn't know the answer."
"Yep that my Ellie."
I sat by her side until she was finally released, two days after she woke up. I made sure that she had eaten enough for her to have a little bit of strength.
After a few days of being awake, I was finally released from the Hospital Wing. Harry and Ron helped walk me to the Great Hall and Hermione walked beside us.
Once we finally got to the Great Hall, I sat down at the Gryffindor table and made my plate. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I started eating, I felt like Ron.
"We are all really glad you are back Ellie!" Neville Longbottom said to me as he walked past.
"We were all really worried," Hermione said. Once Ron and Harry weren't paying attention she said, "Especially Harry. He didn't leave your bedside, well except for when Ricky or Draco would come to visit you."
Ricky visited me? I remembered a little bit of that day, it was the first D.A. meeting.
"So when is the next D.A. meeting going to be?" I whispered.
"Well I was thinking maybe we could do it tomorrow." Harry said, "Of course you will be able to come, but I don't think you should practice right now."
"Come on Harry, I am fine."
"You can barely walk by yourself." Ron chimed in.

Malfoy; My Brother's Best Friend
FanfictionEllie Hoss and her twin brother, Ricky Hoss, transfer to Hogwarts before their fourth year of school. The Hoss and Malfoy families have been friends for a while, Ellie has always despised the Malfoy family, especially Draco. But Ricky and Draco Malf...