Pansy took my arm after Ricky left to go meet up with L.
Pansy and I had started dating about 3 months ago. She had been pining over me, and after I realised the L would never share the same feelings that I had for her, I decided to move on from it.
Though Pansy annoyed the living shit out of me, I thought it would make L jealous that I had moved on to someone new. And now it was too late. I couldn't get any time away from Pansy, she is like an annoying nat that you can't seem to get rid of.
Pansy and I made our way into the Great Hall. I saw L and Ricky standing in front of all the first years and next to McGonagall. Dumbledore spoke but I could barely listen to him. All I could focus on was how L looked in her robe, the way her brown hair was braided off to the side, and how her hands were messing with the bottom of her skirt.
Pansy had obviously noticed me staring at her and poked me in the side of the stomach as a way to get me to focus back on Dumbledore. Though now I was looking at him, all I could think about was L.
I felt Draco's glare on me. As much as I tried to ignore it, for a brief moment I looked over and saw Pansy hit him. I never liked Pansy, growing up occasionally she would be at the Malfoy Manor while Ricky and I were there. She did everything she could to try to impress Draco, she always had a thing for him. I heard that when Draco actually asked her out she nearly fainted.
But enough about Draco, I have gotten the opportunity to get somewhat of a fresh start away from the darkness my father brought onto our family.
McGonagall looked at Ricky and I, she had already told us we would be sorted before all of the other first years.
Ricky was the first to go, I knew he would get slytherin, although he didn't fit in with the stereotypical slytherin boy, he would still be placed there. I just hoped that I wasn't placed in slytherin. I had met some great friends who were in Gryffindor and I wanted to be with them, even if it meant Ricky and I would be separated.
Ricky walked up to the sorting hat.
"Hmmm, interesting. Another Hoss, I had placed your father when he was at Hogwarts."
As the hat mentioned my father I saw Ricky squirm.
"Better be....SLYTHERIN!"
The Slytherin table got up and cheered, Ricky had the biggest smile on his face. Though he was happy, I was still very nervous for him and where I would be sorted into.
"Elizabeth Hoss"
I made my way up to the hat, I saw Hermine, Ron, and Harry all sitting together, they smiled and waved at me.
"OHH, Elizabeth Hoss. Where do I place you? I see you have friends in Gryffindor, but your family legacy lies within Slytherin and your brother is in that house."
I saw Pansy staring at Draco, but Draco was staring at me. Him and I locked eyes, he gave me a wink.
Draco politely asked Ricky to leave. Leaving him and I in his room alone. His walls were gray but the furniture was all black. I tried to distract myself from being alone with Draco, but Draco had his eyes fixed on me. His eyes stared straight into mine. I knew it was a bad idea for Ricky to leave us alone, I should have followed him out the door. Draco was dating Pansy for about one month now, I was happy. Draco's eyes stared down to my lips, alternating back and forth between my lips and eyes. After a few more minutes of awkward silence I broke it.
"Draco, we shouldn't. You're with Pansy and you seem happy"
"L, you know I'm not happy with her. In these few minutes of us being alone, although it had been silent, I am ten times happier than I had been the entire time with Pansy."
Draco scooted closer to me, I could have easily moved away, that was the second mistake. I should have moved farther away from him.
"This is not a good idea," I said. He and I were close enough I could feel his deep breaths as he looked down at me. "Draco did you hear..."
My sentence was cut off as Draco leaned in and kissed me. That was the third mistake.
"Malfoy, we can't"
"Oh wow, I kiss you and now you are going to refer to me as Malfoy. Well Elizabeth, I'm sorry..."
This time before he could finish his sentence, I had kissed him. I pulled away a few minutes after it had started, Draco had his hands on my waist and I had mine on his chest.
I abruptly stood up, and walked out of the room without another word.
I shook off that memory as the sorting hat was about to determine my future at Hogwarts.
"I think we better put you in... GRYFFINDOR"
I sighed out of relief. I looked over at Ricky and his smile had been completely wiped from his face. Malfoy looked like he was either about to punch something or someone, or that he was about to throw up.
I got up from my seat and walked over to the Gryffindor table as Hermine greeted me with the biggest smile I have ever seen.
"Welcome to Gryffindor Miss Hoss, we are so very pleased to have you here."
"Shut it Ron, but seriously I'm so glad that there is going to be another girl in our friend group."
Hearing Hermione say that I was a part of the friend group made me so happy. I'd never truly felt like I was a part of something, but now I knew I belonged somewhere.
After everyone was settled, Dumbledore silenced us all.
"Students, as you may know, Hogwarts has been given the honor to host this years Triwizard Tournament. We will join together with two other schools. The first are the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons,"
Just as he finished speaking, my previous classmates rushed into the room. I saw all of my old friends and honestly it was refreshing to see so many familiar faces. Then I saw my best friend, Lydia. She waltzed into the room leading the group. The girls from Beauxbatons sat at another table.
"The second school that will be joining us this year at Hogwarts is, Durmstrang!"
I saw the muscular gentleman march into the room. I had forgotten about how attractive some of them were. I saw a few familiar faces, some of them had been friends with Ricky when he went there.
Dumbledore went on about the Triwizard Tournament, but I knew I did not want to compete in such dangerous trials.
——-Ahhh I have about 5 more chapters written, I keep forgetting to publish them because I don't want to stop writing!
We are getting to the good part! I am so excited and hope you guys like it!
- E.B.

Malfoy; My Brother's Best Friend
FanfictionEllie Hoss and her twin brother, Ricky Hoss, transfer to Hogwarts before their fourth year of school. The Hoss and Malfoy families have been friends for a while, Ellie has always despised the Malfoy family, especially Draco. But Ricky and Draco Malf...