The Moment of Truth

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It had been a few days since that night, L and I still hadn't talked about what had happened. And when I would try to go up to her, she would run away from me or just disappear somehow.

It was for the best, she was distracting me from the task that the Dark Lord set for me. I needed to fix the vanishing cabinet that was in the Room of Requirement, I had been trying to fix it for weeks now and nothing worked.

Then the days since I had last talked to L turned into weeks and the weeks eventually turned into two months.

I knew it was how it should be, but I just couldn't get her out of my head. And she was in almost all of my classes and just about every time I turned a corner, there she was, having some guy flirt with her.

Though I wasn't with her, I hated seeing her with other people. She never dated any of them, but she would just talk, laugh, and smile with them.

I eventually got the vanishing cabinet to work properly on very small objects, but nothing living yet.

I had gotten nowhere with my other task, killing Dumbledore. I had used the imperius curse to try to get Katie Bell to give him a cursed necklace, but she just ended up touching it and almost dying herself.



It had been three months since that night, it had been three months since I last talked to Draco.

Winter began to show itself, it constantly snowed. Professor Slughorn invited Hermione, Harry, and me to his Christmas Party and told us to bring a plus one. I had no idea who to bring.

Though that was the least of my worries, Harry was convinced that Draco was a Death Eater. Though I never told Harry this, I assumed that by now he was and that was why he gave up trying to talk to me, so maybe he just took the hint.

At dinner that night Harry kept talking about his theories, but I just ignored him and kept eating. After Harry was done rambling, I figured out that Harry and Ginny, Hermione and Cormac, were going to Slughorn's party as couples, and I still didn't have anyone to go with.

I wanted to ask Draco, but after not talking to him for 3 months I decided on Blaise. He already was invited so it wouldn't be weird. Anyways we would just be going as friends.

Then it was the day of Slughorn's party. Hermione, Ginny, and I all got ready together. Hermione wore a red dress that complimented her figure well, Ginny wore a white long sleeve dress, and I put on the only dress I had with me, a black flowy dress with a deeper v-neck. We all helped do each other's hair, I went with having it in a half up half down.

We met up with Harry and Cormac in the common room, and as we all walked out of the common room onto the stairs, Blaise walked up to me and linked arms with me.

"Not too bad when you clean up." I complimented him.

"Same goes back at you, Malfoy was pissed when he figured out we were going together."

"Well, he shouldn't care that we are going together. Anyways we are just going as friends, no need for him to think differently."

"He probably thinks that after we kissed something would happen, but honestly I understand partially where he is coming from, though you are the closest thing I have to a sister so I know that will never happen again."

We continued to talk as we walked to Slughorn's office.

Once we walked in, Slughorn greeted us and told us to go on in. Blaise and I stayed with each other the entire night, just talking and catching up on what has been happening in the past three months.

Then in walked Filch, and in his hand was none other than Draco. He went on about how Draco was gate crashing, his eyes met mine and they softened, then he saw that Blaise had put his hand on mine on the table and his eyes went back to what they usually were.

Draco was escorted out by Snape and the party continued.

"Ellie, I've had a lovely evening of catching up, but if you don't mind I probably should find Draco and explain what he saw." Blaise apologized.

"That is probably for the best. Thank you for a great night."

I walked over to Hermione after Blaise let and we began to talk. Then the party ended and the two of us walked out together and began to walk back to the common room. Before we got there, we were stopped by Draco.

"Hey Ellie, can we talk for a second?"

"It's late, we really need to be heading back to the common room."

"Please Ellie, it's important."

"Go." Hermione said while pushing me in his direction.


The two of us walked away from Hermione and went down to one of the corridors.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Well I wanted to apologize to you." he reached out to touch my arm. "I am sorry for ignoring you since that night, and I am sorry for that night."

"Last time I checked, it was me ignoring you."

"Well whatever it was, I am sorry for what happened."

I was trying to walk away and then Draco grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.

He looked deep into my eyes and spoke in a soft voice, "I love you Elizabeth Hoss, I've been in love with you since I first saw you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you."

I was stunned and had no idea what to say back to him. I wanted to say that I love him too and that he is the only person I want to be with, but I couldn't form the words. All I could do was grab his black tie that he had on and pull his lips into mine.

His hands wandered down my back resting on my hips, my hands were on his chest. I slowly opened my mouth to accept his tongue. He gently slid in into my mouth and then he pushed me against the wall behind me and our kiss deepened.

Then after a few seconds I broke away and finally formed the words, "Draco Malfoy, I love you too. You are the one, the only one."

We then went back to kissing, it was different than all of the previous times we kissed. This time it was just us, the rest of the world disappeared. His hand moved on my hips and then one hand moved to the deep v-neck and he began to play with the hem of it.

He took my hand after a while and led me to a couch in the Room of Requirement, it looked different but I ignored it's appearance.

I smiled at him and walked back to the common room, it was way past curfew by the time I got to my room.

I walked in and Hermione was asleep on her bed and Ginny wasn't in her bed, but Ron was. I assumed that Ginny was with Harry.

I fell asleep thinking of Draco.

Okay, I feel weird writing stuff like this.

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