Somewhere on a Beach

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After the battle at the Ministry, we went back to Hogwarts. I had never hated anyone more that I hated Bellatrix Lestrange. She killed the only family I had left, Sirius, and killed the one girl I actually cared about, Ellie.

Ellie was in the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts so everyone could say their goodbyes to her before her mother came to claim her body.

I hadn't left her side since we got back. Madam Pomfrey insisted on tending to my wounds but I denied her help.

Then something weird occured, it was almost as if I had been transported into a dream.

In this dream, I was in a field with the sun beaming down on me. In front of me I saw the field broke into a beach. That was when I saw her.

I ran as fast as I could to her, she was just sitting there on a blanket staring into the ocean.

"Hello Harry." She said before I even reached her, it was almost like she could sense me.

She turned around and faced me, it was Ellie.

"Ellie? Where are we? How?"

"Well Harry right now we are at the beach, such a beautiful place. I came here all the time when we would come visit my grandmother, it was always so silent. A wonderful place to think."

"Well I know we are at the beach. But—"

"Oh, how am I alive? Well you see, technically this is just my imagination. I felt you touching my hand and I used all of my strength I have gathered in order to allow you to come into my brain."

"So you're alive?"

"Let me finish Harry. As I was saying, you are in my imagination. I created this place after Bellatrix struck me, it was a place I was safe from all of the pain my body was going through. Although this is not really me, I am alive. I am not sure how, but I am. I knew I would be able to get you here if I built up enough strength to get you here. I can not come out of this imagination. Well I actually can not get myself out of here, my body is too weak right now to heal. And here I am safe, tell everyone what happened and if they do not believe me, tell them to grab my hand and say 'take me to safety'. Tell Draco, I need to see him."

That last sentence broke my heart, but all that mattered was that she was safe. And just as she finished speaking, a fire dwelling salamander jumped into her hands.

"This is my patronus, here he is actually real and I have begun to really enjoy his company. He is quite fun."

"Ellie, I don't want to leave you. I can't leave you."

"If you won't go then I'll make you."

She had a stern look on her face, then the clouds went black and the ocean in front of us formed giant waves. Before I knew it, a wave came and washed me away.

I woke up with all of the nurses around me and most of the professors staring at me with a worried look.

"It's Ellie, she's alive. I know I sound crazy, but I saw her. She's really weak and can't heal naturally on her own, she is still alive!"

Hermione's face became even more worried, "Harry, it's not that we think you are crazy, it's just, Ellie was struck with the killing curse, no one has ever survived it but you."

Remembering Ellie's wish, I got up and ran out of the Hospital Wing. I ran into the Great Hall and found Ricky.

"Ricky! Where is Malfoy?!?"

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