Halloween: First Year

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A/N: This is rushed. I want to be able to upload the Christmas Chapter by tmr. I am sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was tired asl. Love yall.

General 3rd POV

The Slytherin first year's common room was amazing looking. It was glowing it was amazing. Ally had helped them set some spells in. It was going to be a cute little event. Around 6 o'clock the Ravenclaw first years showed up.

"Hi, guys!" Oliver handed them a basket full of chocolate. "It's a gift from our house to yours." Draco accepted it. Hufflepuff came ten minutes later.

"Heya. We have brought sparkling apple cider!" Susan handed Pollux two whole things.

"As the reps of Gryffindor, we bring some room safe fireworks." Quinn handed them to Pansy.

"You two are positive nobody knows where you are?" Quinn and Charlie both nodded. "Good." From there the party started. After an hour Daphne stood on a chair with a glass of cider.

"Here's to the class of 2023! May we have a normal 7 years." She raised her cup as did everyone else. Of course, she should have left normal out because all hell broke loose. A firework went off and somehow Potter and Weasley got in. They seemed drunk, I doubt they were though.

"Here's to all the SLIMY snakes and birds, and ferrets dying before we graduate so only quality members enter society." Weasley seemed to not acknowledge two lions were here. Potter and he took a drink and launched all the fireworks and took all our stuff. Blasted idiots. No clue how they got here.

POV: Draco

A couple of weeks after the party life was normal. Tomorrow is Halloween. We're doing some dumb costume for the feast. I was going to be Eric from the Little Mermaid. Pollux was going to be Prince Charming (Oliver's suggestion), Theo was going to be Prince Florian from Snow White, Blaise was going to be Prince Naveen from The Princess and the Frog, Vince was going to be John Smith, and Greg was going as Prince Phillip. Oliver was going as Prince Adam aka the beast. Lily was going as Mulan (who does count as a Princess apparently), Millicent was going as Belle, Daphne was going as Ariel (to my disgust), Tracey was going as Aurora, Pansy was going as Rapuznella, and Olive was going as Elsa. I am starting to think maybe Oliver isn't straight and has a crush on my brother. Pollux is definitely straight though.

"Draco, will you hurry the hell up? What are you doing in there? You better not be using my lotion!!! That is for YOUR FACE." Pollux was banging on the bathroom door.

"I am showering Pollux." Duh.

"Well, it's been 40 minutes. So think about that magazine I saw under your bed and finish up!! I want to shower!" I hate living with him sometimes. I got out and he got in. Jeez, restless much.

-The next morning-

I looked amazing. I had even got a 7th year to help me make my hair dark. Pollux looked cute. A 7th year took our photo together before we left for class to send to our parents. The 2nd years had done a dinosaur theme. The 3rd years were dressed like the movie Grease (best muggle movie ever). The 4th years had dressed like tourists. The 5th years had dressed up like Pixar characters. The 6th years dressed like Hippies. Lastly, the 7th years dressed like a teacher. We got a house photo. It was awesome.

"Hey, Prince Charming." Oh here is Oliver, Ravenclaw first years did princess and princes too. Hufflepuff had done famous wizards. Then you had Gryffindor. They had no theme.

"Hi, Ollie. Need OJ?" I could mock this.

"Always my prince." POLLUX GIGGLED AT THIS, what is Oliver doing?

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