School Shopping

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A/N: So y'all I recently came out as he/they pronouns to my friends and tbh not sure it's going they haven't responded. The boys will be 15 so 5th year in the year 2020 in this story. Covid will not happen. Thank you.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Summer had gone by in a hurry. Pollux and I were 13 now. Mum and dad sent us to an awesome quidditch camp for most of July. Dad was busy. Their only requirement was that we both didn't look at the news or anything. They probably had a reason why, but hey Pol and I both got new Firebolts so sacrifices weren't a bid deal. When we got back to the house in August it was to a very worried mother, a livid father, and Uncle Tom cursing.

"Fuckin' Albus. Ruins everything. He's a damn bitch."

"UNCLE TOM! MUM! DAD!" Pol and I both screamed.

"Boys!" Uncle Tom immediately hugged us. "I missed you." He kissed both of our heads. "My you've grown! Cissy look at this their robes are too short!" Mum walked over and took us from Uncle Tom.

"Hello, my babies. Yes, we'll place an order for some summer clothes tonight. Those robes practically show your knee!" Pollux went up to dad and hugged him.

"Hey, Bud." Dad gently moved Pollux's black hair, he had kept it black all summer. "I missed you two." He held onto Pollux's hand extra tight. What had to happen to make them like this?

"Boys, we should talk." Uncle Tom handed us both a cherry coke. So we did. We had a conversation.

POV: Unknown

Harry. I had to find Harry. Right now would be a good time to have-. No, I can't think like that. I have to do this alone. Where could Harry be? I saw a boy who stayed with the Weasleys. He had dark hair, but his eyes weren't Lily's green. No that was not Harry. I know that much. They call him Harry. It can't be Harry. Harry would glow in silver to me. I needed to find Harry. I needed to help him.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

We are going school shopping today. Oliver, Susan Blaise, Theo, Olive, and Quinn were coming with us.

"Boys get down here!" Mum was already mad because we should have left twenty minutes ago to buy a new robe for the day. "This will have to do I guess." I was in a light green polo and tan shorts and Draco was in a dark blue polo and tan shorts. "Pollux are you keeping your hair that way?" Today I had half blonde, half black.

"Yes, mum."

"Draco are you keeping your hair like that?" His hair was back in a man bun with green streaks.

"Yes, mum."

"Then let's get going." Off we went. Today we were dining at The Urban Knight.

"Hello hello, Lady Malfoy!" Lord Rivers came over.

"Apollo no need for the formalities."

"Of course of course Cissy. Boys the kids are all sitting over there." He pointed towards Oliver, my heart fluttered. Sure I had seen him two weeks ago, but I missed him.

"I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom." I looked at Oliver and nodded towards the bathroom. I saw him get up from the table.

"Hey, Prince Charming."

"Hey, babe." Oliver had grown too, he was now 2 inches taller than me. I am 5'4. He leaned down to kiss me.

"I am not that short!!"

"Are too!"

"Hmm well, I have to pee."

"Hmm well, you do that I am going to go back to the table." He kissed me one more time. I wish he would kiss me for the rest of my life.

"Hey Pol, what took you so long in there?" Quinn asked me.

"Quinn don't ask that."

"Okay, Sam." Sam had short hair now, like really short.

"Before any of you guys ask. Yes, I cut my hair. Yes, I am a lesbian. Yes, I like flannels. Now let's eat." Sam looked at us, nodded to all our different plates. We did as we were told.

"Alright now first stop Madam Louise's. You know I heard she's selling it?" Lord Edgecomb said to my mother.

"I hope whoever buys it keeps the same stuff. Pollux won't wear certain materials and I don't want to have to go to France."

"I like the materials she uses so I agree with you." Lord Rivers added to their conversation.

"Draco and Pollux both need five uniform sets."

"Can I get a skirt?" I looked at my mum nervously.

"Of course, Pollux needs a skirt." She listed everything. "Also I am going to let the boys decide their personal clothing." We were put in separate rooms for the first time ever.

"Hey there Pollux. I am Amelia. I am an apprentice. I am going to be doing your clothing. I got your mum's order so let me hear yours."

"Okay well, I want two pairs of overalls, one yellow and one black." She nodded. "And five different skirts you can pick the colors, just no orange. A dress with flowers on it. A pastel pink suit jacket." It went on for a couple more minutes. Amelia nodded and wrote everything down.

"You're set Pollux." She brought me out to my mother. My mum smiled at me. Draco was still in the back.

"I think your brother is going to spend all of your father's money on clothing."

"That and quidditch." She hugged me and finally, everyone else got done. "Off to buy books." At the book store, I bought a couple of non-school books. 'Fashion Design and You', 'Wizards VS. Muggle's on gender identity' and 'Lokis Misadventures.' The last one is a graphic novel. "Hun, would you ever want to be a fashion designer?" My mum eyed the book I had.

"Yeah, it seems fun."

"Okay." Later that night at dinner we were sitting there, dad, mum, Draco, Uncle Tom, and Lucy when I decided I have to say something.

"I think I am nonbinary." I looked at my parents.

"Okay. Well, we accept that. We love you no matter what." My dad said.

"I am bisexual." Damn Draco stealing my spotlight.

"Okay. We also accept you. We love you too." My mum looked at him smiling.

"Lucius you owe me five galleons." Uncle Tom said.

"Really Draco? Couldn't have waited one more month?"


"Lucius! Tom! I don't care if you're the Dark Lord I will punish you." My mother scared the Dark Lord.

"Sorry, Cissy." My dad and Uncle Tom apologized.

A month later we were on our way to Hogwarts. 3rd year was going to be something. 

A/N:  Two updates one day? YESSIR!

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