It really is okay

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A/N: I am working at this thank you. Follow me on Twitter for updates! Hope you like the new story cover!

POV: Sirius Black

"Dumbledore, you have to hand me what is rightfully mine. Including my godson and the seat of the Potter house." I was bored of this game. We had been playing it all morning. He wouldn't hand it over.

"Sirius, children are a lot of work. So is being a Lord for two houses. Surely you don't need that stress!" Dumbledore had been arguing this for an hour at this point.

"If you don't hand it over now, I will bring this to the court of goblins!" He stopped, nothing was worse than dealing with those goblins.

"Fine. Here you go." He signed the paper I needed. "Harry has grown since he was a baby, so don't be surprised he isn't the same." He meant Harry wasn't autistic, had brown eyes, and was a downright brat.

"I will be reviewing the Potter finances, should I notice a penny out of place I will sue you to the ground Headmaster." I turned and left, holding my paper that stated I had control over one Harry Potter and his estates. I had a long, headache of a day ahead of me.

"Lord Black, I am pleased to see you are joining us today." Lady Woods smiled at me.

"Where else would I be?" I nodded to Lord Rivers in the corner. "I will be sitting now, we can talk later."

"Now Sirius, will you be putting an heir ring on that Potter boy?" Lord River asked me, wasn't his name Apollo? No that's his husband!

"He doesn't wear a ring? I'll find out why." Lord River seemed pleased with these results and left. It was time for me to sit through a long boring meeting.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Since arriving back at school, I have discovered people just sort of smile at me. Or pat my arm supportively. Teachers simply pass me without really looking at what my school work was on or the quality of it. I wonder how long I'll be known as the boy that tried to kill himself.

"You worried me sick you know?" Susan Bones had come to the Slytherin table.

"Oh, I did? Don't assume you are so special seems I've worried everyone sick." She handed me a stack of papers.

"Here you go. All the notes you missed." She took one more look at me. "If you need any help I am usually in the Libary." She left. What a strange girl.

"Okay Draco, I have to go to my classes now, I'll see you in three hours' time are you sure you will be okay?" Pollux always seemed to worry. "Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes, and yes Pollux I will be fine. Go to class."

And for the first time in a while, it really was okay.

A/N: Short sweet made to promote my twitter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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