Harry Potter? 1st year

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A/N: I went through and switched all Moms to Mum sorry yall I'm a dumb American.

General Third POV

Students were whispering, some already had parchment out to send to their parents. If only phones worked at Hogwarts, but for some reason, Dumbledore refused to upgrade anything so alas they didn't work. One Draco Malfoy had written his parents a letter.

"Dear Mum and Dad,

Pollux and I were both sorted into Slytherin. I am writing this now to tell you we had a good journey. Harry Potter was just called and no one walked up! A shocker! Father must find out what is the meaning of this.


Draco Malfoy, Heir Malfoy."

"Harry Potter?" Dumbledore sounded frantic.

"He isn't here Albus!" McGonagall seemed pissed. "Now can we move on and discuss this later?" Now students were really whispering.

"Minerva, surely you understand this is a situation."

"And surely you understand that for the one student missing there are 1000s of students here who are hungry and tired. Write a letter while we finish!" McGonagall was NOT taking his crap.

"A student could be in danger!"

"Yes he could, and all you have done is yell about it. Now I'm going to resume what I'm doing and I expect this room to go quiet now." Not even an owl hooted after this. "Rivers, Oliver."


"Rosier, Lukas."


"Ross, Olive."


"Smith, Sally."


"Smith, Zachary."


"Thomas, Dean."


"Travers, Maximus."


"Turpin, Lisa."


"Weasley, Ronald."


"Zabini, Blaise."


"Now, since I know all you are concerned, I have contacted the Ministry of England, France, and Spain. As well as the American Government. I assure you we will find Harry Potter. I will save the rest of the speech for after our feast." Suddenly food appeared and students dug in.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

"Look at that Weasley boy, he eats with no manners." Draco never liked people who just stuffed their faces. At the Slytherin table, every child had a napkin on their lap and ate salad, then the main course, and then dessert. It was an organized system.

"I am happy I am in Slytherin. Gryffindor lets their kids eat like pigs." Pansy said. (yes I forgot to sort her.)

"Welcome first years, please pay attention to me!" An older student said. "I am Allie Woodan, and I'm the head girl and a Slytherin Prefect." Allie was a nice name, "Now as I am sure you all know, eat with manners. We will go over more later." Allie had a black pixie cut. We ate our meals.

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