Mango Juice

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A/N: Enjoy and comment suggestions.

POV: Lucius Malfoy

How does one explain magic to a 5-year-old? The concept of wizards is a mere tall tale there told at school. More so how do I explain to a child that he needs to drink a potion that will change everything about him? Well, I guess a little magic trick should work.

"Hi, Pollux. We need to talk." I pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"You are sending me back aren't you? PLEASE DON'T. I CAN CLEAN AND COOK!" Pollux was screaming all of this 

"No. No. We aren't sending you back to those monsters. I just want to show you a magic trick." Pollux looked up at Lucius with a look that said 'what the hell are you talking about.' Lucius pulled out his wand and showed Pollux a glass of water.  "Now Pollux pay close attention. What is your favorite drink?" 

"Mango Juice! I tried it once at the cat lady's house!" Pollux exclaimed with a smile. Lucius smiled back and whispered under his breath. Suddenly there was a cup of mango juice. 

"How did you do that?"

"I went to a magic school, Hogwarts, I learned how to cast spells. You will one day too, but to do that you must drink a blood potion."

Pollux looked absolutely disgusted, "I have to drink blood? I don't think I'd like to be a magician."

Lucius laughed, "No Pollux you are a wizard, and a blood potion is something you drink it'll make you my son. You and Draco will be twins. You will never have to go back to those monsters. I promise."

Pollux looked at him and nodded. "May I meet Draco?"

"Oh yes Pol, Draco will come here for lunch. You young man," Lucius ruffled his hair, "Will be taking a bath and then lay down you are far too weak to be wondering. I'll make sure they put mango juice with your lunch today." A human servant came in, yes human I don't only use elves they tend to scare the younger children. 

"Oh, Joseph would you mind giving young Pollux a bath? Make sure to rub the specialized soaps on him. They'll heal him faster."

"Yes, master. Pollux let's go." Joseph smiled at Pollux.

"Listen, you will see horrifying things don't mention them he is very young," I whispered to Joseph.

POV: Joseph

He said horrifying. I didn't think he meant this. Who does this to a child? A child.

"Pollux where did you live before?" Joseph was sudding up a loofah.

"With Uncle Dursley and Aunt 'Tuna." Pollux was happily playing with the bath toys, some of them made bubbles of different colors others would race.

"Oh. Did they practice magic?"

"No Aunt 'Tuna says magic is bad." 

"Damned muggles," Joseph muttered.

"Damn Muggles," Pollux repeated.

"Don't say that."

"Kay. Joseph? Can you do magic?"


"Can you make the duckie talk?" he held up a rubber duck. 

"Mhm." He cast a spell and the duck spewed a story about a cat. Pollux filled the room with his giggle. He hoped this boy would always be this cute.

POV: Pollux

That bath was fun. Joseph told me Draco will be here soon. I hope Draco isn't like Dudely.  Draco will come with lunch. The nice man told me mango juice will come with lunch. I am very excited about mango juice. Mangos are nice. Would they give me real food for lunch? Wow, mango juice and real food. That would be amazing.

"Hi, Pollux. Daddy says you are sick. I was sick yesterday. You'll get better soon." Draco had blonde hair. A weird-looking thing was behind him."This is Dobby. Daddy said you aren't very familiar with magic. Dobby is a house-elf, we have a lot.  I like Dobby. Dobby made us mac and cheese, you got mango juice too. I have apple juice. Is  mango good?"

"I like it. You can take a sip of mine."

"Okay thank you." Draco took a sip of the mango juice. "This is good, you should drink it though." Dobby took the juice and made sure to pour the medicine in it.

"Draco? Is this weird?"

"No. I have always wanted a brother. I am happy you have good taste though. The terrible taste would make this a terrible time."

"Your daddy says that we'll be twins after I drink the potion."

"Our daddy does say that. Because we will."

"Oh, that's nice. Do you like blue or red better?" The boys talked for a very long time about colors and action figured and how they would go to Diagon Alley soon.

POV: Severus

What the hell am I doing this for? Why does the Dark Lord need the blood potion? I am not dumb enough to question it, but I haven't brought it up to Dumbledore. I should. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hello, Severus." Albus was wearing a bright orange robe, I should ban those things from my quarter, but then he'd be here in his underwear which is even worse.

"Hello. I was just going to tell you something.'

"What is that my boy?"

"The Dark Lord has asked me to make him a blood potion, I have no idea why."

"Hmm well find out, ask to sit in the ceremony. They won't say no to you." Little did they know one Dark Lord was losing trust in his potions master. "Harry Potter is doing well. He's currently at DisneyWorld. His relatives are so loving."

"Spoiled brat." Muttered Severus.

POV: Dumbledore

Harry Potter is not in DisneyWorld. He is being abused. It was needed. Harry Potter had to hate life so he would fall into my trap. Yes, Harry Potter will be perfect and obedient. 

A/N: This chapter was fun esp the Draco Pollux scene. The next chapter will see the blood ritual and some Thomas Riddle. 

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