A boys bruises

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A/N: I don't really write for views so I'll just update this when I want not when the last part gets more views or anything. Enjoy

POV: Healer Johnson

This boy should by all means be dead. He had a concussion. He was malnourished. He had broken ribs. He had received blows to the bladder that would leave some permanent damage. He was all in all a mess. Of course, Lucius Malfoy had to find him. Would he curse me when I told him? Surely he wouldn't...just to be safe I'll cast a silent shield charm.  Pollux as he was to be known was starting to drift to sleep again.

"Sir, I have the diagnostic charm results."  He just looked at me as if asking me to keep going. "Well he's received some head damage, a couple of potions should help, possibly could permanently damage him. " He muttered something under his breath. "He's the size of a two-year-old, a small two-year-old. He's going to need nutrient potions. There are some broken ribs that I fixed as much I could with magic.  The potions that help his head will help his ribs. The last major thing is damage to the bladder. I don't believe he's ever going to be completely loo trained."

"Give me that potion list," Lucius grabbed it from me and sent a Patronus out., "I'll have it by the end of the day. Now, could a blood adoption potion halt his recovery?"

"No sir." This man was plotting something. I just hoped Ha-Pollux would be okay enough to see it.

"You are dismissed, Healer." Lucius waved to me and sat. I didn't say a word he had a lot to think about.

POV: Lucius

I had a plan. The Dark Lord would love it. Albus Dumbledore would hate it. It was perfect. There's a reason I was in Slytherin after all.

"Dobby!" Pop like that he shows up. "Go get Severus and bring him to my office. Bring tea there too. Then bring this letter to the owls it's for the Dark Lord. Now." I handed him the letter. As I turned to leave I quickly cast a spell that will alert me when he wakes. These halls were oddly quiet. Normally Draco would be awake in the bath now. He had been sick all day. We were sure he'd feel better when we gave him the news.

"Luc, pray to tell what was so urgent?" Severus snapped at me.

"You are my potions master are you not? I have potions I need. The Dark Lord needs it, we don't want to make him mad do we?" I raised my eyebrow at him and handed him the list of the different potions I needed.

"Why do you need these? Do you understand how rare the ingredients are for a blood potion?" Severus looked ecstatic at the chance to make it.

"I have the money. I need them. Leave it at that." I observed his reaction to my comment.

"Of course. I'll have these all by Friday. The blood potion needs to be used within 48 hours." He speaks so blandly.

"I'll see you in 4 days with all the potions," I say with my usual demanding tone. He nods and leaves. I sat there for a minute before suddenly Dobby popped in.

"Master the Dark Lord be arriving in a half hour. Dobby is bringing Masters tea and biscuits." I nodded at him and he snapped and was gone.  I sat and read for the next half hour.

"Lucius? What do you need?" I noticed he embodied a young man today. A young man similar to pictures I had seen of him when he was younger only this man in front of me appeared my age.

"Master, did you complete the body ritual?" My mouth was hanging open.

"Yes, I did Malfoy. Now, what do you need?"

So I told him about Potter and the house he had been in, "Master think Potter is fragile.  We raise him as our own. We love him. He'll fight for you. He won't be your enemy. We'll even get to stab at Dumbledore's plans." While I had been talking we had slowly made our way to where Pollux was sleeping. I opened the door and let him look. "Master he's so small. I'll blood adopt him. Draco and he will be twins. They'll be our future leaders."

"I like your idea. Blood adopt him, I'm sure you are getting the potion. I have one requirement. Make me the child's godfather." The Lord smiled, "Around the boys call me Thomas. They'll know me as uncle Thomas. That is my only requirement."  Just like that, he was gone.

Now that I had his approval I just had to tell the boy himself and explain magic. That could wait until he woke up. Hmm, sleep sounds nice. It's almost midnight. Yes, tomorrow we'll explain it.

A/N: That's more than usual!

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