I love you because: Second Year

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A/N: Here ya go. More Oliver and  Pollux along with some Potter. I just want to say. I love all of my readers. Every single one of you. Thank you for reading this.

Quidditch and Swim were going great for both boys. Fencing was fun for Pollux. Draco was quickly adjusting, he was happy to have friends at different schools. They wrote to each other all the time. Pollux hadn't quite gotten the social aspect of it yet. Pollux was busy adjusting to his life with a boyfriend, a secret boyfriend, and testing out different things. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

It is too early to be awake. I look over at the clock it's only 7 am. Ugh, I guess I'll shower before class today then. I have decided for today and today only to rebel against gender norms because it's Valentine's Day and all. I step out of the shower and rather than put on my bland bland uniform I put on a pink, yes pink, dress with hearts on it. Because you know what society sucks. I put on bright pink lipstick and I was out. I used my nice magical abilities to make my hair long enough to be put in a man bun. It was quite the look if I do say so myself.

"Looking Good Pol." Draco was wearing a pink sweater with jeans. "I heard Lockhart has a big plan."

"Thank you, Draco." I giggle and spin around. "That sounds like a threat?"

"It should be perceived as one." Draco was putting lipstick on, his nails had little Cupids flying around. "Let's go to Lunch." Off we went.

"Morning Malfoys. Pollux you look great, Draco you have lipstick on your nose." Daphne wiped Draco's nose off. I sat down laughing as Draco huffed. Suddenly a letter dropped in front of me.

"Dear Pollux Malfoy,

I love you because...

You never lie to me

You don't ever hide your true self

You have eyes bluer than the sky

You change your hair color as you please

Later we will meet under the stars for now accept my love



"Who's J.O?" I was blushing, Oliver was using J.O as a code name.

"No clue."

POV: Oliver River

"Dear Oliver River,

I love you more than I can say

I love you more and more each day

I love you because you don't expect me to understand everything

I love you because you don't make me look you in the eyes

I love you because when I want to cuddle you make time for us to cuddle

I love you because your lips are soft

I love you because you don't eat pork

I love you because you wear nice clothes

I love you because you make me smile

Your love,


I wanted to laugh Pollux hates the taste of pork so I don't eat it. So one day when we kiss he won't have to taste it. I couldn't wait for later.

POV: Pollux

Draco and I were grinning. Our parents had sent us each a teddy bear and some candy. Dad always wanted to make sure we knew how we should be treated. We sent them a photo of us today and we had bought Mum a bouquet of flowers and gotten Dad a new watch, it had us on the other side of the watch. Draco's idea not mine.

"Awh look at Polly. He wants to be a girl now." Oh fuck why do these boys still go here? Potter is grinning at me.

"My lady, you're in the boy's bathroom." I gulped. "Do you know what happens to freaks in the bathroom?"

"He ought to considering last year." Weasley laughed.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Well Ms. Polly we are going to do part two of that. First off let's lose the dress." Off it went. He burned it. "Much better. Leggings aren't for men Pollux." I gulped I was only wearing my absorbent boxers under here would he be able to tell? The leggings too burned. "Look, Ron, he wears briefs!"

"So Pollux why were you in a dress?"

"Want to be a girl now? Autism isn't enough? You a fag?" Potter grinned.

"I am not."

"Yeah okay. Why is your underwear so bulky? Ron here and I turn you on?" I wanted to cry, I had an accident earlier. Suddenly I was on the floor. "Pollux I want you to humiliate yourself. You will stay on this bathroom floor, naked in only your underwear. You will piss yourself right now. When someone finds you will not tell them we were here or you will suffer worse." He casted a spell to keep me quiet and stuck to the floor. Well, what's the plan now? He won't leave till I piss myself and I am wearing underwear that can hold 1000 gallons of piss.

"Cmon Malfoy. We don't have all day." Weasley kicked me in the bladder, the faucet immediately started to let loose.

"Ron look he's stuck here. He's bound to eventually let's go." With that Potter and Weasley left. I was stuck here. You can bet everything and more once I am the Dark Lord or however that works Potter and Weasley will cease to exist. For some reason whatever God you believe in decided to look at me with favor today. I was only on the floor for an hour before someone came in, two boys both with red hair. Oh for God's sake the Weasley Twins.

"You alright down there?" One asked me. I shook my head.

"Looks like a silencing spell and a sticking charm." He waved his wand and I was out. "What happened to you?"

"Your twit of a brother and that Potter boy came in here and burned my clothes and stuck me to the ground!"

"I can see the clothes part." Boy 1 looks at the pile of ashes, I grab my bag where I keep spare clothes. I had a backup skirt and shirt anyway. "Let me guess you're the Malfoy boy with Autism?"

"Depends how do you feel about that?"

"We don't care. You see Fred and me, I'm George by the way, are going to be the next Lord Prewetts. You see twins need to do and we would be perfect. You are heir Black correct?"


"Well, Heir Black we apologize for our little brother. His actions nor any of our families reflect our own beliefs. We are a neutral lordship and wish to extend an allyship to your house."

"Well Heir Prewetts, I Heir Black accept your invitation and extended an invitation for you to join the finer of society at the New Year's Eve Ball later this year."

"We accept." With that, we parted ways. Who knows maybe they'll be useful?

Finally, it was 7 O'clock. Oliver and I were meeting in the RoR. I walked into a little picnic and a cozy room.

"Look how cute my boyfriend is. May I hug you?" I nod. I love how he always asks me for permission.

"Ollie you look so nice." He had skinny jeans on, and a tight-fitting button up. I loved most of all the bow in his hair.

"Thank you. What do you say let's snuggle?" We sat there for a while not talking just snuggling.

"Can I kiss you?" Oliver looked at me surprised.

"Yes." So we kissed, It was a long kiss. A nice long kiss. It made me ache in certain places. Oliver and I giggled as our tongues battled. "Did you like that?"

"Yes." For the rest of the night, we just sat in peacefulness and snuggling.

A/N: I am done with 2nd-year ngl. I have two more chapters planned. It is mostly Oliver/Pollux content ngl. A couple of sports.  

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