The End of 2nd year!!!

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A/N: Kay y'all I know none of you care, but I haven't uploaded in a while because we thought my cat died bc my mom's neighbor said she saw it get run over. So I was too sad to write, but it gets WILD. My mom was all sad and she sat outside and held my cat's favorite toy. The neighbor came out and was like "hey, I have your cat." and PULLS OUT MY CAT. She thought Peyton was cute and wanted to keep it, she didn't think we would be upset. So yeah. It's been a weird week.

POV: Draco Malfoy

Today we had our house championship. Slytherin VS. Ravenclaw. Winner reps Hogwarts in the tournament of champions. Schools all over the world would be playing over a weekend to see who is the 'world champion'.

"Alright, guys. I expect a win. Nothing less." Marcus was winking at someone across the stands, who the hell would go out with Marcus? He's ugly.

"I'm Lee Jordan here announcing the game Gryffindor should be playing in #LIONSWEREROBBED," the lions start cheering in their section, "Today's match is Slytherin versusssss Ravenclawwww." Cheering from that section. "Ravenclaw's line up: Chasers, Roger Davies. Jeremy Stretton, and Captain Lukas Loumis. The beaters Matthew Thompson and Ducan Inglebee and Keeper Grant Page. Lastly, give it up for Seeker Cho Chang!" Ravenclaw cheered hella loud while Hufflepuff made a polite cheer. "Now for Slytherin's starting line upppp: Chasers Captain Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey, and Draco Malfoy. Keeper Miles Bletchley. Beaters, the ones who made the illegal hit on our own seeker, Lucian Boleand Peregrine Derrick. And the crowd's favorite second-year Seeker Pollux Malfoy." We flew out in our amazing new uniforms.

"Roger." Roger nodded at Marcus.

"Let's Begin." Madam Hooch whistled.

"Davis has the quaffle. Is Davis going to pass it? Who knows? OH THERE IT GOES TO LOUMIS AND IT'S IN! 10-0 RAVENCLAW. LET'S GO RAVENCLAWWWW." Jordan was practically praying we lost. "Flint steals the quaffle from Stretton." Oh, there's a ball coming at me. "He passes it to Draco Malfoy who speeds ahead and it is IN! 10-10!" This is how the game was for a long time. "Will someone get that Snitch ever? I mean the score is 180-180." Where was Pollux? The match went on for another hour. "The score is now 360-350 with Ravenclaw in the lead, WHATS THAT I SEE POLLUX MALFOY FLYING FAST, CHO CHANG IS ON HIS TAIL. WHY I DO THINK THEY HAVE SPOTTED THE SNITCH!" Pollux was racing and racing towards the ground, I knew what he was doing. "WELL WELL LOOKS LIKE MALFOY GOT CHANG GOOD." Pollux had stooped a millisecond from the ground and raced up. Chang crashed. "POLLUX'S HAS THE SNITCH. SLYTHERIN WINS. 360-500 SLYTHERIN." Awesome. I had scored 12 times. "Presenting our representatives in the International School Quidditch tournament, Slytherin." He sounded bitter as he said that. "As always Pollux Malfoy, the youngest Seeker in a century, has won not only the game but the crowd's heart." Pollux had made his hair bright green.

"Everyone go shower before we go back to the common room yeah?" Marcus herded us all that way to the shower. "Listen, guys, I am proud of what we did here today. Don't forget we have a long road to the World Finals. Pollux had to save our ass here. Miles we are going to be practicing way more with you. They should not have scored as much as they did. Beaters you only hit em five times in a three-hour game. If I wanted idiots to sit on a broom and do nothing I wouldn't have a bunch of practices. I don't waste my time. Listen we'll have scouts looking at us. Some of you are too stupid to have an office job so y'all better straighten yourself out and focus, I don't care if your a Lord or what. I want to have a future in this sport. Don't make it so I can't." We all nodded as we got ready. When we got up to the common room the party was in full blast.

"THE REASON FOR THE DAMNNNN PARTY IS HERE." A 6th year yelled as we entered. "Someone get Marcus a fire whiskey. Malfoy boys and Bole can't drink that too young. Bole your still a third-year even if you wanna act all tough." The same 6th year handed us all a cherry soda. The party went on well into the night. Pollux left for a while, no clue where he went.

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