The Stone: First year

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A/N: I think first-year might be 1 more chapter? Ideally, it will be. I am researching how to properly portray an Autistic person and I PROMISE HIS BLADDER ISSUE IS NOT RELATED TO THE AUTISM. I did not mean for that to seem like that! I am so sorry. I'm reading as much as I can to do this right. Please give me feedback.

POV: Draco

It's late January now. School was going. Pollux has been awfully quiet lately. I don't seem to ever see him. We live together but he's never there. I think it had something to do with Uncle Tom announcing Pollux's autism to the whole ball like that. You see we don't talk about it. It is something Pollux's muggle family had abused him for. My mother and father always made sure life was easier for him. He had a feature on his glasses for if the lights were too bright, he has headphones, he has toys to help with texture issues, we only get clothes from one place, and food is always up to Pollux's standards. It's a shunned thing in the Wizarding Community. Well by the light, the dark thinks it's interesting. I mean children who can cast spells without talking and all that is pretty cool. The light sees them as gross. Uncle Tom hates it so much.

POV: Pollux Malfoy

Life was not as good as you might think. Sure I was named the dark heir, but it didn't make anything easier. Uncle Tom announced it in front of everyone. Somehow Potter and Weasly found out. Life was hell. I spent a lot of time in the library. God knows Potter and Weasly don't go there. I mean ever. Today was the worst. I actually made it to the bathroom for once and just as I am about to whiz, guess who appears. Potter, Weasley, and some boy named Jude. He seemed like an add on who just said yeah to everything they did.

"Well Malfoy you are alone aren't you? Gonna have a meltdown? Gonna stim?"

"Potter stim doesn't mean what you think it means."

"Whatever you idiot." He pushed me back onto the floor. "You're a freak. A dark slimy snake freak!" He started kicking me. I needed something else to focus on. The light above me flickered in a pattern. I counted the pattern. It flickers then 5 seconds later it does it again. Again. Again.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5."

"What is wrong with you?" Potter kicked me again. I didn't know what to do. I kept counting. Counting calmed me down.

"1, 2, 3,4, 5." I wanted to cry.

"Take it like a man Malfoy, not that you'll ever be more than a baby!" He kicked me again. I could not respond. I could not respond. A blow to my stomach made my bladder release. Thank god for protective underwear.

"Yo. Teach is two halls down. Let's roll." Jude said to the two idiots. They left. I closed my eyes. I gently moved my hand over me. Wordless magic, an autistic wizard's specialty. The healing spell fixed my ribs and got rid of the bruises. I felt like having green hair right now. I walked back to the library as if nothing had happened. I picked up my book. "Gender: A Spectrum". Did you know Autistic people have a harder time understanding gender than others? (Actual fact!) I think it's because we hate the word Spectrum. I know I do. I don't understand gender. Why is pink for girls? I like pink. I also like dresses. But I also like blue and bowties. Does this make me cisest? Can I try they/them pronoun? What if I don't like them? What is he/they? I had so many questions. I didn't want to ask Lukas. Maybe I should. I would tonight. Assuming I ever made it back to the common room. Some days I didn't. Some days I did. It depends on if Potter finds me. Or Parvati. Or Wayne. God, there is a list. I got to dinner on time.

"Hey Pol!" Draco smiled at me." I haven't seen you all day. Look I made you a plate. It's got the mac and cheese you like yeah? Even managed to snag some tater tots for you. They have mango juice tonight, your favorite. You weren't at lunch so better eat up." I smiled at him.

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