New Hair

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A/N: Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter. Also 4.4k reads??? What?? Thanks yall. Well, here we go.

POV: Third Person I think

Pollux woke up two days later, he felt funny. The last thing he remembered was a funny tasting drink. The blood potion.

"Master Polly, you change lot." Dobby was handing Pollux a fresh pair of clothes. "Must go see. Dobby shows your mirror."

Standing across from Pollux in the mirror was someone completely new. Pollux was nearly identical to Draco, in fact, if you saw the two next to each other you wouldn't know the difference, only there eyes had a slight difference. Draco had a grey, silver coloring in his eyes, meanwhile, Pollux had a more blue undertone to his eyes. (five points to the house of your choice if you know why I gave him a blue undertone!) He was even the same height.

POV: Lucius Malfoy

"Master. Polly is awake." Dobby told me.

"Yes, yes bring him a change of clothes and then bring him to the table." I waved him off and began to think. We had decided we would move later this week The Manor would be used only for parties, such as the boys' party, and meetings. We had a few months to prepare, seeing as it was now mid-February. The Estates would be used simply for the boys' schooling and my personal meetings with Tom. Draco and Pollux will love the Estates. The backyard had a pool, quidditch field, and a basketball hoop. The pool and field had been added back when family reunions would take place there. I added a basketball hoop after Pollux had mentioned he always wanted to shoot a basketball. Cissy also wants to add a garden and a playground, so we will be adding those also.

"Good morning Darling." I kiss her on the head as I go to sit down.

"Good morning, Dobby is bringing the boys down. I was thinking maybe I could take the boys shopping after breakfast. Draco has outgrown his clothes, Pollux needs new clothes, and we don't have enough toys for the boys. They'll be fighting over them in ten minutes." She was pouring tea as she said this.

"Yes, that seems good. I have a meeting with the Minister. I am then going to check the birth records to make sure Pollux Malfoy's birth record has the same birthday as Draco and has us as his parents."

"I am sure it does. Magic works wonder." She smiled as two identical boys entered the room. Pollux's shirt had a phoenix on the front, we are elegant but putting a 5-year-old in a dress outfit every day is impossible, Draco on the other hand wore a dragon on his t-shirt.

"Morning Mummy. Morning Daddy." The boys said in unison. They both sat down as their spots, one had toast with a D imprinted on it and the other had toast with a P on it. "What are we doing today?" Draco asked this one.

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the Alley and shop. Get some toys, things for the new house, new clothes, and Pollux has an eye appointment at 5, so we'll be home by 4:30. We can get lunch anywhere you want boys." Cissy was writing a letter as she spoke.

"Even Merlins Mouse House." (Chuckie Cheese sorta for wizards.) Draco looked at his mother very excited.

"Yes, even Merlins Mouse House. Go brush your teeth and then we'll go. Go potty too!" She shouted the last part as they ran up the stairs. "I can't believe he wants to go to Merlins Mouse House."

"Well hun, you left it to Draco. Take pictures of them today to hang in the house. I got this Skeeter woman to agree to take photos of our family for our portrait. She's a startup at The Daily Prophet."

"Hmm okay, just don't let her in the house we can do them outside the manor before we leave."

"I think that should work." I kissed her as Draco started screaming, "MUMMMMM!"

"Coming! You both better have shoes on!" She ran up the stairs.

POV: Pollux

Mummy brought us into FIRE. I know we are magic, but oh my gosh we just went through the fire. Now she's holding our hands as we walk through a place that smells like Uncle Vernon. I don't really like it. Once we get outside she pulls a stoller out of her bag.

"Dray, Pol why don't you guys get in this so you don't lose all your energy walking." She smiled at us as she helped Draco buckle in. She held her arms out to me, picked me up, and strapped me in next to Draco. "Now we'll be walking to Madam Louise's Shop for Toddlers." Both of the boys were on the shorter side so they could easily fit in 4t sizes. It would be a ten-minute walk with both boys in the stroller. It was a quiet walk.

"Mommy! Look dey're a little elephan!" I pointed to the elephant that was dancing outside of the store.

"Yes, Hunny I see it." Mummy helped us out. "Now boys we're going to go to the Twins Section, this way they help both of you in the same room." She ushered us into a room.

"Hello, Lady Malfoy. Hello Draco." Madam Louise gave a look to the second boy, "And.."

"This is Pollux. He and Draco are twins. You see Pollux was sickly for the first four years of his life, but recently he's received a clean bill of health." Cissy said as she got the boys in position. Madam Louise twirled her wand with a hum.

"What are we looking for today?"

"Well they both need dress robes, we are going to the Greengrass' Valentine's Ball. Also, dress shirts. I believe Draco should wear a silver bow tie and Pollux a blue bowtie. They need new play clothes. New shoes too. We were also hoping for some underwear, Draco is potty training, also we need some diapers for Pollux. Lastly pajamas." She listed these off front the parchment she had written.

"Draco, Pollux? What colors would you like? Lady Malfoy, The dress robes black of course I suppose?" Louise was already getting her stuff together.

"Black with green lining for both."

"I WANT BLUE AND GREEN AND AND YELLOW!" Draco screamed with joy.

"Manner Draco. Manners."

"Can I have blue too? I want pink too! Can I also have lilac?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course boys. Now go check out socks and Cissy you should look around the store. Ten minutes and I'll be done." I went to look at the cool little puppet theaters they had. The puppets moved by themselves. It was awesome.

"Polly, look. Polly?" Draco was dragging me to the bubble machine. "You can eat the bubbles!" Sure enough, they tasted like apple pie.

"Boys let's get going. Dobby came and collected the clothing. Let's go to lunch."

POV: Third Person

Merlins Mouse House was a delight for the boys. They were even more excited when they found they got to buy toys. When they were in the toy stores they bought stuffies and little flying men on brooms. Pollux fell asleep as soon as Cissy laid him in the stoller, and Draco was asleep within minutes. She ran little errands with the boys asleep before returning home. Pollux's eye doctor exam went well. They got contacts for him

A/N: so I now have a lot of people who want to be beta leaders: so if you wish to be a beta reader please reach out to me and I will pick someone for beta reading. Pretty much first one to reach out can be the beta reader. Thanks yall. Im working on a new cover. feel free to suggest things. have a great day

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