The House of Malfoy vs. The Capsis of Dumbledore and Heir Potter

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A/N: I dyed my hair: I am just tired so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I couldn't really find a reason to write. Enjoy!

POV: Lucius Malfoy

Today is the trial. The House of Malfoy vs. The Capsis of Dumbledore and Heir Potter. I was dressed in my finest silk robes, had Pollux's memories with me, and a lawyer who was the best of the best. Dumbledore would literally have to pay these people off to beat me (and I can beat his offer).

"Hello, Minister!" It was weird to be on this side of Wizengamot.

"We recognize that the House of Malfoy and House of Black will not vote on this matter to due personal involvement. We recognize Cheif Warlock Dumbledore will be replaced by Supreme Mugwumps Wood for this hearing due to personal involvement." Lord Hansen announced. "Begining at 10:39 am on 18 June 2017. The House of Malfoy vs. The Capsis of Dumbledore and Heir Potter. Capsis Dumbledore how do you plead to the charges brought against you including, but not limited to, endangerment of minors, endangerment of heirs, withholding information from the ministry, and tampering with evidence?"

"Not guilty."

"Heir Potter, how do you plead to the charges brought up against you: attempted manslaughter, endangering an heir, endangering a minor, and assault?"

"My client pleads not guilty." Dumbledore was representing Potter?

"The Capsis of Dumbledore and Heir Potter has signed a paper saying they do not consent to Veritaserum let this be recorded in the records." Wizard court is much different from muggle court, the Cheif Warlock tends to do the questioning.

"Heir Potter, please come to the stand." Last Wood called him up. "Please state your name and date of birth for the court."

"My name is Harry James Potter and I was born on July 31st, 2005."

"Who are your parents?"

"My mum was Lily Evans and my dad was James Potter." Lady Wood looked to Lord Hansen who nodded.

"What were you doing on the evening of April 30th?"

"I heard screaming. I knew I had to save whoever was screaming. They were obviously in trouble. I just got lucky and happened to know how to get past all the puzzles."

"Heir Potter is it not true that the potion puzzle only had enough to let two people forward, according to your own account?"

"It is true."

"How did you get into that room then? Since only two people could get in."

"I don't know. I just did."

"Heir Potter, why did you assault Pollux Malfoy?"

"I didn't."

"Did you ever notice anything off about your DADA teacher?"

"He liked bread a lot, like way too much."

"That will be all please go back to your seat. Capsis Dumbledore please come to the stand. Please state your name and date of birth for the court."

"My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. I was born on 18 August 1881 to Percival and Kendra Dumbledore."

"Why didn't you alert the Ministry about the third-floor corridor?"

"I wasn't aware I was to alert the Ministry on what is inside every room in my school."

"You thought you could have a room that could harm children in a school full of children and leave not only the ministry ignorant but also the parents of those children?"

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