Stange New Place

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A/N: Sorry this took so long my friend who's my beta reader isn't reliant. On that note, anyone willing to beta read for me?

POV: Lucius Malfoy

"...Lucius Malfoy, but soon enough you'll know me simply as Lucius or maybe even dad." I wasn't trying to apparate out, but it was working. I crossed the property line and suddenly boom I was home.

"Cissy? Is the healer here yet?" I was trying to say this so she could hear, but not wake Draco up.

"Yes he is. Why'd you summon him? Did something go wrong on your mission? Are you okay? What-" She walked into the room with me and saw the boy in my arms.

"I'm okay. It's Harry Potter. It's a long story. First we need to get him to the healer I'll explain to both of you." The Dark Lord is who I was worried about. How could I convince him that Harry could be valuable?  The healer walked in.

"Sir. Who is that? What happened? Is he he Dead?" The healer was barely breathing I guess he ran.

"This is Harry James Potter. He lived with abusive relatives before. He's not dead. Now treat him." I demanded the last part.  The healer took Harry over to the bed and started doing some magic or something, "If you need potions tell me. I'll get them."

"Luci, how will Our Lord feel?" Narcissa asked me.

"I don't know. Alls I know is I looked in his eyes and I thought of Draco. What if someone did that to my baby boy? And than someone found him and did nothing." I was being honest.

Hours Later
POV: Harry

I am pretty sure I died. I laid in the comfiest thing ever, maybe it was a cloud!  If this was what it felt like to be dead it's okay. Especially if i got to meet my mum and dad. My eyes hurt, oh they're closed. I should open them.

"HOLY SHIT" I screamed. There was a random man with long hair and a younger man with darker hair waving some sort of stick above me.

" Language. Where did you even learn that?" The strange blonde man asked.

"My uncle. Who you?" My voice was shaking with my questions, I felt icky.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy and this," he gestured to the insane man waving a stick above me, "is Healer Johnson. He's like what do muggles call it? A doctor! He's like a doctor. A wizard doctor."

"DON'T SAY THAT WORD!" I screamed I mean Aunt Petunia would kill him! He said the W word.

"Calm down. What word?" He was making his voice gentle.

"Wizard," I whispered as quietly as possible, "Aunt Tunia will be mad! Magic is evil." Now this Lucius man was staring at me with his mouth open.

"What's your name son?" Healer Johnson was checking not make sure Lucius hadn't lied.

"At school it's Harry, but my uncle calls me Freak! Harry is spelt H A R Y and freak is F R E K." I was very proud of myself. I was showing how good I was at spelling! The two men laughed, but looked worried.

Lucius spoke, "Well here your name is Pollux. Spelt P O L L U X." I hope you all know why I choose this.) I nodded. That's a really cool name!

A/N: So how's that?  Next chapter we'll find out Harry i mean Pollux's injuries. I am trying to make him sound likes he's 4 but a smart 4 year old. Any guess how the Dark Lord will like this?

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